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Newsletter enero, 2021

Minimum wage will increase in various US States in 2021

enero, 2021
  • The US Federal minimum wage of USD $7.25 per hour (less for tipped employees) was last updated in 2009
  • 20 US states will progressively increase their minimum wage rates as of January 2021, in certain states up to USD $15-an-hour

Peruvian new agrarian law is adopted in the midst of social partners' objections

enero, 2021
  • The 2000 agrarian law was derogated by the Peruvian parliament without consulting or taking into account the views of the social partners
  • The reform generated violent protests throughout the country
  • The new law imposes a higher minimum living wage and requires the employers to pay a special bonus, equal to 30% the minimum living wage
  • Bipartite discussions continue, prior to the adoption of the specific regulations to be annexed to the law.
Newsletter diciembre, 2020

Switzerland: minimum wage in Geneva now amounts to monthly CHF4210 (USD4768) gross per employee

diciembre, 2020
  • On 27 September 2020, the citizens of the Geneva Canton agreed to modify the Law on Inspection and Labour Relations, by the institution of a mandatory minimum hourly wage.
  • This means that the monthly minimum wage will amount to CHF4210 gross per employee (42 hours weekly).
Newsletter noviembre, 2020

India: New Labour Codes on Industrial relations, social security and occupational safety and health

noviembre, 2020
  • Changes to the labour codes aim at promoting harmonious industrial relations, higher productivity and employment creation, and increase the workers coverage by social security.
  • They also aspire to facilitate businesses in terms of licensing and permit requirements.

Indonesia: Revision of 81 laws results in an Omnibus Bill on Job Creation

noviembre, 2020
  • On 5 October 2020, the Indonesian Parliament adopted the “Omnibus Bill on Job Creation” to favour investments and positively impact employment in the country.
  • The labour law component of the Bill introduces important changes for employers on minimum wages, outsourcing and temporary contracts, severance payment, unemployment and other matters.

European Company Survey: What is the coverage of collective agreements?

noviembre, 2020
  • The survey analysed and compared different types of collective bargaining process.
  • “Two-thirds of workers are estimated to have their wages set via a collective wage agreement”.
  • Bargaining coverage is higher in countries with sectoral collective agreement extended to non-signatory companies and workers.
Newsletter octubre, 2020

European Union: amendment to the Directive on the posting of workers and transposition into Swedish national laws

octubre, 2020
  • The amendment to the Posting of Workers Directive had to be transposed into national law in July 2020.
  • Sweden has already complied with this obligation after undergoing a process of dialogue with the social partners.
  • The outcome regulation is not fully satisfactory as there is still a lack of clarity on a major part of the amendment concerning wages, which is likely to impact companies.
Newsletter septiembre, 2020

Qatar adopts new laws on mobility of migrant workers and the establishment of a minimum wage

septiembre, 2020
  • The regulatory change abolishes the Kafala system and introduced a minimum wage that covers all workers including migrants  
  • These reforms are in line with the Qatar National Vision 2030, a governmental programme aimed at modernising the country’s labour market. 


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