Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter March, 2024

European Commission proposes changes to EWC Directive strengthening transnational social dialogue

March, 2024
  • On 24 January 2024, the European Commission presented its proposal to amend the directive on European Works Councils (EWCs).
  • It aims to ensure more effective communication channels between employers and employee representatives, highlighting the importance of early and meaningful consultations and clarifying the operational framework of EWCs, potentially leading to more structured and efficient consultation processes.
Newsletter October, 2023

European Commission launched a second-stage consultation of European social partners on revising the European Works Council Directive

October, 2023
  • On 26 July 2023, the European Commission launched a second-stage consultation of the European social partners on a possible revision of the European Works Council (EWC) Directive 2009/38/EC.
  • It follows the first consultation phase launched on 11 April 2023, which ended with identifying six main areas for reform, subject to further consultation among the social partners. 
  • The main areas of focus for further consultation concern the modification of the notion of 'transnational issue' and 'consultation,' limiting the possibility for management to classify information as 'confidential'; shortening the timeframe for setting up EWCs, improving the ability of EWCs and their members to enforce their legal rights, and ensuring that all EWCs are fully subject to the EU legal framework.
  • The second consultation phase will end on 4 October 2023.


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