Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter May, 2021

Fostering intra trade in Africa and its impact on employment

May, 2021
  • The African Continental Free Trade Agreement will have profound impact on jobs and investments.
  • Additional rules are required for the agreement to be fully operationalised.
  • The private sector in conjunction with employers’ organisations has a key role to play.

Proposal for a European Directive to strengthen the application of the principle of equal pay for equal work or work of equal value between men and women

May, 2021
  • The draft European Directive aims at closing the gender pay gap through pay transparency and enforcement mechanisms.
  • It clarifies the meaning of the expression of “equal pay for equal work or work of equal value” and the methodologies to assess it.
  • It obliges companies with more than 250 employees to annually report in detail about the gender pay gap.
  • It shifts the burden of the proof and foresees fines and remediation provisions in case of violation.
Newsletter March, 2021

The European Labour Authority and its role in cross border labour inspections

March, 2021
  • In February 2021, the European Labour Authority (ELA) announced to be fully operational to conduct concerted and joint labour inspections
  • A set of simplified standard procedures for national authorities and social partners on how to initiate and follow-up cross-border inspections was issued
Newsletter February, 2021

The consequences of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement on jobs and investments

February, 2021
  • The largest free-trade area in the world was launched on January 2021 after only 5 years from the beginning of negotiations
  • The agreement is expected to favour investments, decrease poverty and increase jobs

Brexit and its repercussions on the free movement of persons

February, 2021
  • The free movement of persons between countries of the European Union and the UK ended on 31 December 2020. Complex rules and visa permit requirements apply. 
  • The automatic mutual recognition of professional qualifications is no longer a reality. 

EU parliament Resolution on the right to disconnect

February, 2021
  • The Resolution contains specific recommendations on the scope and content of a Directive
  • The right to disconnect is defined as “the right for workers to switch off their digital tools including means of communication for work purposes outside their working time without facing consequences for not replying to e-mails, phone calls or text messages”.
Newsletter January, 2021

Minimum wage will increase in various US States in 2021

January, 2021
  • The US Federal minimum wage of USD $7.25 per hour (less for tipped employees) was last updated in 2009
  • 20 US states will progressively increase their minimum wage rates as of January 2021, in certain states up to USD $15-an-hour

Brexit and its repercussions on employment law

January, 2021
  • The European Union and the UK were able to conclude a trade and cooperation agreement to regulate their future relationship
  • This agreement will have important repercussions on employment law. It has also consequences on the social security regimes and bilateral agreements


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