Co-funded by the European Union
social peace
Newsletter January, 2021

Panama: outcomes of the tripartite Dialogue for Labour Economy and Development, including the regulation on telework

January, 2021
  • The tripartite dialogue concluded with 23 consensual agreements on various matters
  • It triggered the discussion and finalisation of the implementing regulation on telework
Newsletter December, 2020

Finnish Labour Court dealt with a breach of labour peace obligations

December, 2020
  • The Helsinki Labour Court settled the case between a company and the union in the electricity sector, for violation of the collective agreement in force and the duty of peace.
Newsletter November, 2020

India: New Labour Codes on Industrial relations, social security and occupational safety and health

November, 2020
  • Changes to the labour codes aim at promoting harmonious industrial relations, higher productivity and employment creation, and increase the workers coverage by social security.
  • They also aspire to facilitate businesses in terms of licensing and permit requirements.

Argentina: Social partners signed a collective agreement for an extraordinary and temporary bonus in the metallurgical sector

November, 2020
  • The bonus is not part of the salary.
  • Social peace must be ensured during the duration of the agreement.


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