Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter July, 2024

New publications from OECD and IOE on Artificial Intelligence

July, 2024
  • On 3 May 2024, the OECD Ministerial Council Meeting adopted revisions to the OECD Principles on Artificial Intelligence (AI), addressing emerging challenges from general-purpose and generative AI.
  • These revisions respond to recent technological advancements and address challenges related to privacy, intellectual property rights, safety, and information integrity.
  • International Organisation of Employers recently published a policy review providing employers’ organsations with guidelines on issues to assess when integrating this technology into business operations.
Newsletter May, 2024

Artificial intelligence and the changing demand for skills in the labour market (an OECD paper)

May, 2024
  • The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) recently released a report on the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the labour market. Published on 10 April 2024, it highlights the changing demand for skills and the profound transformation in how work is organised and performed.
  • The report emphasises a significant shift in skills demand across sectors due to AI adoption, increasing the need for technical and soft skills like problem-solving and critical thinking.
  • AI adoption varies by industry, affecting skill requirements differently across sectors. Employers in technology-intensive fields must prioritise upskilling and reskilling initiatives to cope with rapidly evolving job roles.

European Commission’s Report on telework and right to disconnect

May, 2024
Newsletter April, 2024

Artificial Intelligence Act approved

April, 2024
  • On 13 March 2024, the European Parliament approved the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act, with 523 votes in favour, 46 against and 49 abstentions.
  • This framework is designed to prevent the fragmentation of regulations across member states, providing a unified legal environment for AI deployment.

Africa: White paper on Artificial Intelligence in migrant population

April, 2024
  • Talenteum, the HR Fintech Startup that matches Talents from Africa willing to work remotely with international companies, recently published a white paper highlighting AI's crucial role in recognising migrant skills and fostering digital inclusion.
  • According to the paper, the effective use of AI in integrating migrant talent presents a unique opportunity to enhance workforce diversity, drive innovation, and promote social responsibility.
  • The presented challenges and solutions offer a roadmap to more effectively leveraging migrant talent, ensuring that businesses remain competitive and socially responsible in a rapidly evolving digital economy.

European Union: Council confirms agreement on platform workers

April, 2024
  • On 11 March 2024, European Union (EU) employment and social affairs ministers confirmed the provisional agreement on the platform work directive reached on 8 February 2024 between the Council's presidency and the European Parliament's negotiators.
  • The agreement sets a precedent for regulating algorithmic management and ensuring fair labour practices in the digital labour market.
Newsletter March, 2024

Randstad Workmonitor 2024: The voice of talent in 2024

March, 2024
  • Randstad recently published the Workmonitor 2024 report, which provides an in-depth analysis of emerging labour market trends, worker attitudes, and the future of employment based on a comprehensive global survey.
  • The report highlights key issues such as the impact of technology on jobs, the rise of remote work, and the evolving expectations of employees towards work-life balance and job security.

ILO: New report on decent work in platform economy

March, 2024
  • The International Labour Organization (ILO) recently released, on January 2024, the Law and Practise report in  the emerging field of digital labour platforms and their impact in the World of Work.
  • The Law and Practise report (known as White Report), is intended to inform the discussions at the 2025-2026 Standard Setting on Platform Economy and to help Member States in responding to the appended questionnaire.
  • The inputs and responses provided by the Member States will set the base for the Yellow Report, which will be the draft report discussed in the first sitting of the Platform Economy Standard Setting in 2025.


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