Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter May, 2024

Mexico: Meeting on “Measures to achieve the reconciliation of work and family responsibilities of Convention 156 of the International Labour Organization”

May, 2024
  • At a recent meeting organised by the Mexican Senate and the ILO Office for Mexico and Cuba, meaningful discussions unfolded regarding the ratification of ILO Convention 156, which aims to establish equality of opportunity and treatment for workers with family responsibilities.
  • This event underscored Mexican legislators' commitment to tackling the challenges and reaping the benefits of formalising support for workers with family responsibilities.
Newsletter April, 2024

Mexico: New provisions for the registration of individuals or legal entities that provide specialised services or perform specialised works

April, 2024
  • On 21 February 2024, Mexico introduced new provisions for the registration and renewal process for individuals and legal entities for specialised services and works. 
  • The latest amendments to Mexico's Federal Labour Law, specifically Article 15, are designed to tighten the oversight of specialised services and works within the country. 
  • These changes, published in the Federation's Official Gazette, aim to ensure that entities providing specialised services are compliant with local regulations and maintain high standards of operation.
Newsletter January, 2024

Mexico: reform bill reducing working hours still pending

January, 2024
  • Last year, the House of Representatives Member Susana Prieto presented a Bill to constitutionally amend working hours from 48 to 40 hours a week.
  • In November 2023, members of the Board of the Chamber of Deputies made a series of recommendations and changes to the Bill that returned to the Constitutional Points Committee. 
  • On 15 December, the Mexican Congress closed its final ordinary session for 2023. The Bill will be discussed when the next ordinary session opens in February 2024.
Newsletter October, 2023

Convention n. 190 on Violence and Harassment of the International Labour Organization entered into force in Mexico

October, 2023
  • On 6 July 2023, the ILO Convention n. 190 on Violence and Harassment entered into force in Mexico.
Newsletter June, 2023

Mexico: New standard for telework safety and health conditions

June, 2023
  • On 8 June 2023, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare published the Official Mexican Standard NOM-037-STPS-2023 Telework-Safety and Health Conditions at Work (“NOM-037” or "Standard") in the Official Gazette of the Federation. 
  • NOM-037 states the health and safety conditions for employees teleworking across Mexico to prevent accidents and illnesses, as well as to promote a safe and healthy working environment.
  • It will enter into force 180 calendar days after its publication.
Newsletter April, 2023

The discussion of mental health and the obligation of employers worldwide. Mental health and employment in Mexico (by Juan José Díaz Mirón – VP Labour commission CONCAMIN)

April, 2023
  • There is a growing trend that implies that mental health be discussed alongside labour and employment regulation.
  • In Mexico, for example, the secretary/department of labour is competent to perform audits on working conditions and fine employers when the mental stability or mental health of employees is compromised by certain situations. Furthermore, employers with more than 50 employees are required to perform tests regarding employment conditions and their impact on the mental stability of employees (known as NOM 035).  This trend has several implications, only two of which we will touch upon.
Newsletter October, 2022

Mexico: Federal and local Center for Conciliation and Labour Registry now active.

October, 2022
  • The Federal Center for Conciliation and Labour Registry is the new body responsible for settling labour law disputes in Mexico, replacing the former conciliation and arbitration boards.
  • It became operational with effect on 3 October. This is the final phase of the implementation of the labour reform passed in Mexico in 2019.
Newsletter July, 2022

Staffing Executive Regulatory Outlook 2022

July, 2022
  • The last edition of the Staffing Executive Regulatory Outlook (SERO) presents the result of a survey to executives of staffing national federations around the world on the probability and potential impact of regulatory changes in the industry within the next six months.
  • In India, Italy and Mexico, the provisions are that regulation changes for staffing industry will have an overall strong and positive impact on the sector, while Belgium, Norway, Germany and Sweden are expected to have the most negative impact.


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