Co-funded by the European Union
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Newsletter September, 2024

Ireland: transposition of the EU's Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive into national law

September, 2024
  • On 5 July 2024, Deputy Peter Burke, Minister for Enterprise, Trade, and Employment, signed the European Union (Corporate Sustainability Reporting) Regulations 2024 into law.
  • This Statutory Instrument (SI 336/2024) came into effect on 6 July 2024, meeting the CSRD's transposition deadline.
Newsletter March, 2022

The ILO Global Forum for a Human-centered Recovery

March, 2022
  • On 22-24 February 2022 took place the Global Forum for a Human-centred Recovery, organised by the International Labour Organization (ILO).
  • Renewed commitments were conveyed for a recovery that puts people first and tackles inequalities exacerbated by the COVID-19 crisis.


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