Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter September, 2024

Puerto Rico: Law Against Discrimination Based on Hairstyles (Senate Bill 1282) enacted

September, 2024
  • The introduction of the "Ley Contra el Discrimen Por Razón de Estilos de Cabello" on July 24, 2024, marks a significant step in Puerto Rico's legislative efforts to combat racial discrimination.
  • This law addresses the discriminatory and bias practices against hairstyles and hair textures commonly associated with specific racial and national identities.
  • It amends several existing laws, including the "Ley de Relaciones del Trabajo para el Servicio Público de Puerto Rico" and the "Ley para prohibir y prevenir el Acoso Laboral en Puerto Rico."
Newsletter August, 2024

Eramet signed a global agreement on social protection

August, 2024
  • Eramet, a pioneering force in the mining industry, has signed its first global agreement to establish a comprehensive social protection solution for its employees worldwide.
  • Known as Eramet Global Care, this agreement underscores the company's commitment to employee welfare and corporate social responsibility. It ensures that employees receive consistent benefits regardless of their location and promotes equity and solidarity within the organisation.
Newsletter July, 2024

We stand for values: a new alliance of businesses for diversity, openness and tolerance

July, 2024
  • On 7 May 2024, a coalition of over 30 German companies launched the "We Stand for Values" initiative.
  • This alliance, comprising DAX companies, family-owned businesses, SMEs, and start-ups, stands united in promoting the values of diversity, openness, and tolerance. It is supported by the  Federation of German Industries (BDI) and the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB).
Newsletter May, 2024

Yirgalem Addis Textile Factory PLC and Ethio-Impact Manufacturing PLC created daycare centres for children

May, 2024
  • On 7 April 2024, a significant advancement for working mothers in Ethiopia was celebrated with the inauguration of new daycare facilities at Yirgalem Addis Textile Factory PLC and Ethio-Impact Manufacturing PLC.
  • These centres are designed to offer safe, stimulating, and child-friendly environments, crucially supporting the needs of mothers employed in the demanding textile and garment industry sectors.

“How employer and business membership organizations drive gender equality” (an ILO and IOE report)

May, 2024
  • The recent report co-authored by the International Organisation of Employers (IOE) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) provides a comprehensive overview of the strides made by Employer and Business Membership Organizations  in advancing gender equality.
  • The study, which includes data from 95 EBMOs across 87 countries, reveals both the progress made and the challenges that persist in achieving gender parity within business leadership and governance.
Newsletter April, 2024

Carrefour announces new strategic plan to promote diversity

April, 2024
  • On 5 March 2024, Carrefour unveiled its strategic plan for diversity and inclusion.
  • The Company has initiated a four-pillar action plan aimed at transforming the Company's diversity landscape by 2026.
  • It includes comprehensive anti-discrimination and unconscious bias training, establishing a community of role models, enhancing recruitment from diverse origins, and promoting employees from diverse backgrounds, especially women.

USA: Stop WOKE law enforcement blocked

April, 2024
  • In a recent decision, the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals addressed Florida's controversial "Stop WOKE" Act, which sought to limit mandatory employer-led training on topics deemed objectionable by the state, specifically those related to discrimination, diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • The court's ruling struck down these provisions, emphasising the paramount importance of the First Amendment and its protections against content and viewpoint discrimination.
  • This decision reaffirms employers' right to conduct mandatory training sessions on a wide range of topics, including sensitive issues surrounding diversity and inclusion, without fear of punitive action from the state.
Newsletter March, 2024

Spain: First Social Dialogue roundtable to address equality and discrimination against LGTBI in the workplace

March, 2024
  • Spain's Ministry of Labour and Social Economy has initiated tripartite negotiations involving government, labour unions and employer organizations to implement measures for real and effective LGBTI equality in the workplace.
  • The negotiations aim to give effectiveness to Law 4/2023, which mandates companies with over 50 employees to adopt specific measures and resources for LGBTI equality, including protocols for addressing harassment or violence.


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