Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter March, 2023

Sodexo launched a new benefits programme for all its employees

March, 2023
  • Sodexo is launching a new employee benefits programme, Vita by Sodexo, to retain talent and avoid resignations. 
  • It provides all its eligible employees across the globe with a minimum benefits package of Parental and Care Leave, Life Insurance Benefits, and an Assistance phone line.
  • The programme will apply to Sodexo employees in the 53 countries where the company operates, although the platform providing the benefits will be introduced gradually.

World Employment and Social Outlook 2023: The value of essential work (an ILO report)

March, 2023
  • On 15 March 2023, the International Labour Organization (ILO) published a new report on key workers – who played a vital role during the COVID-19 pandemic – and their relevance in the daily functioning of economies, examining their working conditions, wages, and the challenges they face.
Newsletter February, 2023

Chile: Senate Labour Committee approved a bill to reduce working hours

February, 2023
  • On 25 January 2023, the Senate Labour Commission approved the Bill to reduce the working day to 40 hours in the second constitutional process.
  • The Bill still has to be debated in the Chamber of Deputies.

Viseo implements a total flexibility for its employees

February, 2023
  • Since December 2022, employees in Viseo can define their place of work, either face-to-face or remotely (at VISEO or clients' premises), according to their operational and personal constraints, without any imposed limit of days.

World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2023 (an ILO report)

February, 2023
  • On 16 January 2023, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) launched the new flagship report on the impact of the economic slowdown on the global labour market, providing a comprehensive overview in light of various crises and international conflicts.
  • It shows that the current situation is likely to force more workers to accept lower quality, poorly paid jobs which lack job security and social protection, so accentuating inequalities exacerbated by the COVID-19 crisis.
Newsletter January, 2023

Ford Motor Company launches a job-sharing tool in Europe

January, 2023
  • Ford Motor Company has launched the JobShare Connect app in Europe to help employees find potential partners for job shares.
  • Employees now have the opportunity to find someone to share their job with – either internally or externally – by using a web-based matchmaking tool, creating a profile, searching for suitable colleagues, and then contacting potential partners.

Hungary: amendments to the Labour Code

January, 2023
  • On 21 December 2022, Act LXXIV, which includes the amendment of Act I of 2012 on the Hungarian Labour Code, effective as of 1 January 2023, was published.
  • The official purpose was to harmonise Hungarian legislation with EU legislation. Still, it became a broader reform than just the transposition of the Directives on work-life balance and predictable working conditions.  

Working time and work-life balance around the world (an ILO report)

January, 2023
  • On 6 January 2023, the International Labour Organization (ILO) released the new report, Working Time and Work-Life Balance Around the World, providing a comprehensive review of working hours and working time arrangements and their effects on workers' work-life balance.
  • It is the first-ever ILO global report on working time.


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