Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter May, 2024

Cambodia: Notification on the Compensation for Terminating an Employment Contract issued

May, 2024
  • On 21 March 2024, Cambodia's Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (MoLVT) has issued a new notification clarifying compensation entitlements upon employment contract termination.
  • The notification distinguishes between fixed duration contracts and undetermined duration contracts.
  • Specific provisions address both standard terminations and scenarios involving bankruptcy.
Newsletter February, 2024

Indonesia: guidance on Compensation Pay and Balance of Contract Pay for Fixed-Term Employees

February, 2024
  • On 29 December 2023, the Supreme Court issued Circular Letter No. 3 concerning the compensation and balance of contract pay for fixed-term employees.
  • It implements the 2023 Supreme Court Guideline for the Role of Indonesian Courts (“SEMA No. 3”) to be applied when settling labour disputes. 
Newsletter June, 2022

France: Supreme Court confirms the validity of the compensation scale for dismissed employees

June, 2022
  • The Supreme Court, in two judgments (n°21-14.490 and n°21-15.247) of 11 May 2022 ruled that the so called 'Macron scale' - used to calculate compensation for unfairly dismissed employees – is compatible with the International Labour Organization Convention on Termination of Employment No. 158.
Newsletter December, 2021

Workforce transformation through the ‘great enlightenment’”. The Randstad Workmonitor 2021 second edition

December, 2021
  • The Randstad Workmonitor is a global survey launched in 2003. Published twice a year, it covers now 34 markets around the world and highlights local and global trends in the job market.
  • The latest research shows that workers around the world are finding themselves part of the 'Great Enlightenment' as they have gained more clarity about their work and personal lives.
Newsletter September, 2021

Belgium Court decision: multiple discrimination requires multiple compensation awards

September, 2021
  • On 28 June 2021, the Labour Court of Appeal in Antwerp ruled that a candidate who was discriminated against on the grounds of both her disability and pregnancy during the recruitment process was entitled to two cumulative compensation awards.
  • The decision stated for the first time that the violation of several criteria may give rise to multiple compensation awards. 


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