Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter août, 2023

Portugal: Decree-Law no. 53/2023 of 3 July regulates the Decent Work Agenda

août, 2023
  • On 3 July 2023, Decree-Law no. 53/2023 which regulates de Decent Work Agenda was published in the Official Gazette. 
  • Thee Decent Work Agenda, approved by Law no. 13/2023 of 3 April 2023,  provides measures to improve working conditions and the conciliation of employees' professional and family lives.
  • The Decree entered into force on 6 July 2023 and takes effect retroactively since 1 May 2023.
Newsletter janvier, 2023

Portugal: Tripartite agreement to improve wages and competitiveness

janvier, 2023
  • On 9 October 2022, the Portuguese government, the leaders of the employers' confederations (of Industry, Agriculture, Tourism, and Commerce and Services), and the trade union (UGT) signed a national agreement for the improvement of income, wages, and competitiveness until 2026.
  • It aims to balance the weight of wages in national wealth, strengthen the competitiveness of companies, retain young talent and support families and companies to face the crisis.
Newsletter novembre, 2022

Portugal introduced a new visa for digital nomads

novembre, 2022
  • On 26 August 2022, the Portuguese government released plans to introduce a new digital nomad visa to encourage remote workers to live and work in the country.
  • This temporary renewable visa, which can be obtained from 30 October 2022, is available to individuals earning at least four times the national minimum wage (the current minimum monthly income is €705 but is increasing to €750 in 2023), that provides a work contract or proof that they are self-employed.
Newsletter mai, 2022

Randstad Workmonitor 2022: a new era in the #howwework revolution

mai, 2022
  • Randstad published the Workmonitor 2022, the first full survey of 2022 that addresses issues such as job flexibility, work life balance, personal and professional growth and corporate social responsibilities (CSR) in the context of the recovery from the pandemic.
  • The survey was conducted between 21 February and 13 March 2022 in more than 30 countries worldwide.
Newsletter mars, 2022

European Commission takes action on the transposition of the Whistleblower Protection Directive

mars, 2022
  • Most of European Member States failed to transpose the EU Whistleblowing Directive within the established deadline of December 2021.
  • European Commission already sent a formal notice to 24 Members for the lack of transposition and to Sweden and Portugal for their delay in the application.
Newsletter décembre, 2021

Portugal: a new law on remote work prohibits contact with employees after working hours

décembre, 2021
  • Law no. 83/2021, published on 6 December 2021, introduces some changes to the remote work regime and sets a general duty on employers to refrain from contacting employees outside working hours.
  • It will be enacted on 1st January 2022.
Newsletter novembre, 2021

Portugal: a new draft bill seeks to grant platform workers working rights as employees

novembre, 2021
  • The Portuguese Government approved a broad-ranging labour reform draft bill that also aims to implement a rebuttable presumption of employment specific for platform workers to to ease worker reclassification as employees instead of independent contractors.
  • Such a proposal will still need to get the final approval from Parliament, depending on the results of the 30 January 2022 snap general elections. If passed by the Parliament, drivers for ride-hailing, delivery and other apps, would be treated as presumed employees rather than self-employed. 
Newsletter octobre, 2021

New Ways of Working: A comparative reference tool

octobre, 2021
  • New Ways of Working is a new comparative reference tool developed by International Employment Lawyer,providing information on key employment and compliance topics (such as vaccinations, legislation on remote work and social relations) in 20 countries around the world.
  • It enables multinational employers to compare different legal systems and their approach to the pandemic and new ways of working that recently developed.

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