Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter mars, 2023

European Union Court of Justice: a decision on daily and weekly rest

mars, 2023
  • On 2 march 2023, the European Union Court of Justice, in Case C-477/21, stated that daily rest is additional to weekly rest, even when it directly precedes the latter and even when national legislation grants workers a period of weekly rest greater than that required by EU law.
Newsletter janvier, 2023

Hungary: amendments to the Labour Code

janvier, 2023
  • On 21 December 2022, Act LXXIV, which includes the amendment of Act I of 2012 on the Hungarian Labour Code, effective as of 1 January 2023, was published.
  • The official purpose was to harmonise Hungarian legislation with EU legislation. Still, it became a broader reform than just the transposition of the Directives on work-life balance and predictable working conditions.  
Newsletter mai, 2022

Randstad Workmonitor 2022: a new era in the #howwework revolution

mai, 2022
  • Randstad published the Workmonitor 2022, the first full survey of 2022 that addresses issues such as job flexibility, work life balance, personal and professional growth and corporate social responsibilities (CSR) in the context of the recovery from the pandemic.
  • The survey was conducted between 21 February and 13 March 2022 in more than 30 countries worldwide.
Newsletter mars, 2022

European Commission takes action on the transposition of the Whistleblower Protection Directive

mars, 2022
  • Most of European Member States failed to transpose the EU Whistleblowing Directive within the established deadline of December 2021.
  • European Commission already sent a formal notice to 24 Members for the lack of transposition and to Sweden and Portugal for their delay in the application.
Newsletter décembre, 2021

Germany: a new law on compulsory vaccination for health workers

décembre, 2021
  • On 10 December 2021, the Parliament passed the “Law to strengthen vaccination prevention against Covid-19".
  • By 15 March 2022, employees in clinics, nursing homes, outpatient care services and similar facilities must present proof of being vaccinated or convalescent.
Newsletter novembre, 2021

The definition of worker in the platform economy: Exploring workers’ risks and regulatory solutions (an European Economic and Social Committee workers’ group study)

novembre, 2021
  • The research report has been produced in the context of a project entitled ‘The definition of worker in the platform economy’ (CES/FSA/09/2020) commissioned by the workers’ group of the European Economic and Social Committee. 
  • The final report aims to contribute to the debate on platform workers’ risk and regulatory solutions.
Newsletter avril, 2021

Hungary reform on Labour Inspection

avril, 2021
  • It introduced Flexibility in the sanctioning of infringements, among others;
  • The reform lacked proper consultation with the social partners, especially on the content of the regulatory Decrees.

Mots clés

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