Co-funded by the European Union
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Newsletter juin, 2022

Netherlands: Transparent and Predictable Employment Conditions Bill passed

juin, 2022
Newsletter mars, 2022

Turkey: Constitutional Court decision on the termination of an employment contract due to WhatsApp correspondences

mars, 2022
  • The dismissal based on inspecting private correspondence of the employee by using employer's power of surveillance authority violates privacy and freedom of communication rights of the employee, guaranteed by the Turkish Constitution.
  • The decision confirmed the significance of informing employees about the employer’s right for inspection or getting consent for this when needed in case of internal investigation.
Newsletter mai, 2021

Spain approves a “Riders Law”

mai, 2021
  • The “Riders Law” will enter into force on 12 August 2021.
  • It is the result of a tripartite agreement, reached after 5 months of negotiation.
Newsletter avril, 2021

Company level social dialogue in times of restructuring: news from Belgium

avril, 2021
  • Social partners recently confirmed the joint recommendations signed in December 2019 on collective dismissals and agreed to assess their content again within three years
  • The Government communicated its desire to evaluate an improvement of the entire system, thus overriding the social dialogue outcome.
Newsletter février, 2021

ILO publication on employers’ organizations’ key contribution to society

février, 2021
  • The International Labour Organisation, Bureau for Employers’ Activities (ACT/EMP) recently released a publication on the role played by the employers and business membership organizations (EBMOs) in the Covid-19 pandemic where EBMOs have demonstrated agility, resilience and the ability to innovate.
  • It also focuses on the way ahead and the services EBMOs will have to reinforce and ideas for concrete actions.

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