Co-funded by the European Union
prestations de chômage
Newsletter novembre, 2020

Ghana: The role of social dialogue in limiting the social and economic impact of Covid-19

novembre, 2020
  • Two tripartite Committees designed measures to sustain enterprises, employment and economic resilience.
  • Ghana’s Employers’ Association was at the forefront of these negotiations and successfully presented multiple proposals to support business and as a result employees.
Newsletter octobre, 2020

Cote d’Ivoire: a special tripartite committee to face the Covid-19 pandemic

octobre, 2020
  • The Committee was established on the top of the existing social dialogue institutions with the objective to deal with issues specific to Covid-19 crisis.
  • One of the topics for reflection is a new legislation on remote working.
Newsletter septembre, 2020

Italy and Spain: Unemployment benefits may coexist with a fixed-term job in agriculture

septembre, 2020
  • Restrictions to the movement of seasonal workers and the situation of unemployed workers pushed governments to ease the hiring of workers in agriculture, even if already receiving unemployment benefits. 
Newsletter juillet, 2020

Developments on the Call to Action in the garment sector

juillet, 2020
  • An International Working Group met regularly to implement the Call
  • 8 Priority countries were identified
  • A first contact was taken with financial Institutions and donors
Newsletter mai, 2020

Global Action in the Garment Industry

mai, 2020
  • Employers, workers and major brands joined a call for action to support the garment industry.
  • An international working group was established in the upcoming weeks.

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