Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter October, 2021

Spain: The Government agrees to refer ILO Conventions N. 177 and n. 190 to the Cortes Generales

October, 2021
  • The Council of Ministers agreed to refer to Parliament the approval of two International Labour Organisation (ILO) conventions: Convention n. 177, on home work, and Convention 190, on the elimination of violence and harassment in the world of work.
  • Accession to both conventions means further protection of the labour rights of workers, regardless of where they carry out their professional activity, and respect for fundamental rights in the workplace.
Newsletter August, 2021

Spain: Developments after adoption of the Rider-Law

August, 2021
  • Following Spanish Supreme Court decision on Deliveroo’s workers, Deliveroo announced it will leave the Spanish market by the end of October 2021, but only for economic reasons, aiming to focus investment and resources on other markets.
Newsletter May, 2021

Spain approves a “Riders Law”

May, 2021
  • The “Riders Law” will enter into force on 12 August 2021.
  • It is the result of a tripartite agreement, reached after 5 months of negotiation.
Newsletter October, 2020

Spain: Supreme Court decision on the employment status of workers for a delivery company and social dialogue process on a "Riders Law"

October, 2020
  • Spanish Supreme Court held that the riders of a delivery company are employees.
  • This decision accelerated the government initiative towards the elaboration of a “Riders law”, with the involvement of the social partners.

Spain adopted a new legislation on remote working

October, 2020
  • The legislation on remote working was finalised and adopted by Royal Decree-Law 28/2020 on 22 September 2020.
  • While at the outset the Government did not involve the social partners in the development of the draft text, trade unions and employers’ organisations were finally able to negotiate and agree on the main elements of the law.
Newsletter September, 2020

Italy and Spain: Unemployment benefits may coexist with a fixed-term job in agriculture

September, 2020
  • Restrictions to the movement of seasonal workers and the situation of unemployed workers pushed governments to ease the hiring of workers in agriculture, even if already receiving unemployment benefits. 
Newsletter July, 2020

Telefónica Spain invests in SMEs

July, 2020
  • The company participates in the digitalisation of SMEs and provide some advanced payment to its small and medium size suppliers
Newsletter July, 2020

Spain introduced the Minimum Vital Income, a measure to fight against poverty independent of employment active search

July, 2020
  • The Minimum Vital Income is ensured to all low-income individuals or families, for as long as their income conditions do not improve.
  • It is not linked to other subsidies or active search of employment.


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