Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter August, 2023

Italy: law converting Decree No. 48/2023 [Employment Decree] published in the Official Gazette

August, 2023
  • On 3 July 2023, Law 85 converting, with amendments, the Decree Law 48/2023 on "Urgent measures for social inclusion and access to employment" was published in the Official Gazette.
  • It aims to ensure greater flexibility for personnel management, introduces amendments to the discipline of fixed-term employment contracts and simplifies information obligations under the Transparency Decree.
Newsletter May, 2023

Canada: a proposal on termination protection for remote workers

May, 2023
  • On 13 March 2023, the Ontario Government announced a proposal to the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA) and related regulations that would entitle remote employees to termination notices in case of a mass termination.

Generali Group signed an agreement on hybrid working

May, 2023
  • On 20 April 2023, the global insurance Generali Group, together with the unions First-Cisl, Fisac-Cgil, Uilca, FNA, and SNFIA, signed an agreement on hybrid working to "unlock our people potential, boost the business strategy ambition and deliver benefits to all the stakeholder involved."
  • It is the renewal of the so-called 'Next Normal' agreement of 27 July 2021 - which expired on 31 March last and was extended until 30 April next year - combining the needs of a different way of working with those of a concrete reconciliation of life and work time.
  • The new agreement version pays special attention to inclusiveness, remodeling smart working for caregivers, and the right of disconnection.
Newsletter February, 2023

Chile: Senate Labour Committee approved a bill to reduce working hours

February, 2023
  • On 25 January 2023, the Senate Labour Commission approved the Bill to reduce the working day to 40 hours in the second constitutional process.
  • The Bill still has to be debated in the Chamber of Deputies.
Newsletter January, 2023

Israel: Privacy Protection Authority published draft guidance on the privacy-related aspects of monitoring remote workers.

January, 2023
  • The Israeli Privacy Protection Authority presented its draft guidance on the privacy aspects of monitoring remote work, offering clarifications and recommendations for the conduct of organisations on this issue.

Uganda: Federation of Uganda Employers (FUE) launched a new report, “The Next Normal: The Changing Workplace in Uganda”

January, 2023
  • On November 2022, the Federation of Uganda Employers, in partnership with the ILO, launched a new Report that looked at the impact of Covid -19 on Ugandan workplaces.
  • The research study, based on a survey that covered a wide crosssection of enterprises in many sectors, aimed to understand better the effects of Covid and the plans of enterprises. 
  • It shows that many enterprises have had to significantly alter their operations and production processes, human resource strategies, work modalities, and many other aspects of their enterprises, but also that Covid-19 created a range of new opportunities and challenges for the human resources side of a business.

Belgium: Labour Deal and Various Labour Provisions Act published

January, 2023
  • On 29 September 2022, Parliament approved the final text of the new Labour Deal that brings with it significant changes to employment laws and practices. On 10 November 2022, the Various Labour Provisions Act was published in the Belgian State Gazette.
Newsletter November, 2022

Portugal introduced a new visa for digital nomads

November, 2022
  • On 26 August 2022, the Portuguese government released plans to introduce a new digital nomad visa to encourage remote workers to live and work in the country.
  • This temporary renewable visa, which can be obtained from 30 October 2022, is available to individuals earning at least four times the national minimum wage (the current minimum monthly income is €705 but is increasing to €750 in 2023), that provides a work contract or proof that they are self-employed.


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