Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter September, 2022

Norway: Amendments to regulations on working from home

September, 2022
  • Effective from 1 July 2022, the Norwegian Government amended the regulations on working from home, adopted in 2002, aiming to adjust it to modern working life and to make it easier for employers to manage employees who work from home.
Newsletter July, 2022

Netherlands: New legislation on remote work

July, 2022
  • On 05 July 2022 the Dutch House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer) approved a bill that estabilishes home working as a legal right, making the Netherlands one of the first countries to grant remote working flexibility by law.
  • The bill needs the approval from the Dutch senate before its final adoption.
Newsletter January, 2022

Belgium, Germany and Netherlands agreements on taxation regime for remote workers to be extended.

January, 2022
  • Due to COVID-19, the existing agreements on the tax regime of employees working at home, instead of in the country where they should normally work, was further extend until 31 March 2022.
  • The measure aims to prevent that the employment income of cross-border employees working from home becomes fully taxable in their State of residence.

Working six weeks a year from another country

January, 2022
  • Publicis unveiled a new program called "Work Your World", giving its employees the opportunity to work for six weeks each year from any region or country in which the group is present.
  • The programme starting on January 2022, aims to attract talent and offer more flexibility to employees.
Newsletter December, 2021

Workforce transformation through the ‘great enlightenment’”. The Randstad Workmonitor 2021 second edition

December, 2021
  • The Randstad Workmonitor is a global survey launched in 2003. Published twice a year, it covers now 34 markets around the world and highlights local and global trends in the job market.
  • The latest research shows that workers around the world are finding themselves part of the 'Great Enlightenment' as they have gained more clarity about their work and personal lives.

Deutsche Bank’s perspective on remote working

December, 2021
  • What will the new normal  look like? Where will we be working in the future? How can employers manage teams working remotely? To answer all these questions, , Deutsche Bank released in September 2021.its report “The Future of Work – Learning from Sport”.
  • It mentions how the work-from-home trend started and what impact it is having today during the Covid-19 pandemic, highlighting the benefits of working from home but also some of the more negative impacts that working in isolation could have on employees.

The New Workplace: The post-Covid workscape. A Ius Laboris initiative

December, 2021
  • A new workplace after the Covid-19 pandemic: what issues do new ways of working raise and how can employers address them?
  • Ius Laboris employment lawyers from all around the world prepared 40 questions and answers on eight main topics: Vaccination, Health & Safety, Working time, Expenses, Labour relations, Remote investigations, Working abroad and Ethical investments.

Portugal: a new law on remote work prohibits contact with employees after working hours

December, 2021
  • Law no. 83/2021, published on 6 December 2021, introduces some changes to the remote work regime and sets a general duty on employers to refrain from contacting employees outside working hours.
  • It will be enacted on 1st January 2022.


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