Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter January, 2021

Mexico regulates telework

January, 2021
  • On 9 December 2020, the Mexican Senate approved a reform to the Federal Labour Law to regulate telework.
  • The law establishes the voluntary nature of this form of work and the need to define it in writing
Newsletter November, 2020

Mexico: Presidential initiative to ban “outsourcing” to be discussed by the Parliament

November, 2020
  • The reform aims at limiting outsourcing only to the provision of specialized services that are not part of the beneficiary’s main economic activity.
  • National social partners met President Lopez Obrador, who expressed the government’s openness to dialogue.
  • IOE and WEC underlined their concern and offered support to draft a future-proof labour market regulation.

Mexico: Full implementation of the Regulation No. 035/2018 on psychosocial risks and prevention at work

November, 2020
  • Regulation No. 035/2018 (Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-035-STPS-2018) on psychosocial risk factors at work was adopted in 2018, but it entered into force on a two-step phase and became fully applicable on 23 October 2020.
Newsletter September, 2020

Mexico: the Business Coordination Council introduces tools to prevent labour disputes

September, 2020
  • The new trade agreement between Canada, Mexico and the USA could limit Mexican companies to export to the US or Canada because of labour disputes. 
  • The Employer’s federation CCE, provided tools for Mexican business to prevent this from happening.  


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