Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter octobre, 2022

Diverse form of work in the platform economy (an IOE-WEC report)

octobre, 2022
  • On 3 October 2022, The International Organisation of Employers (IOE) and the World Employment Confederation (WEC) released a new report on Diverse forms of work in the platform economy.
  • It outlines the regulatory context, benefits and challenges of platform work, providing detailed insights and information on how it has become an enduring feature of labour markets. 
Newsletter septembre, 2022

Latest WEC report assesses strategies to reduce labour and skills shortages in Europe

septembre, 2022
  • The new Strategic Issue Paper from the World Employment Confederation (WEC) -Europe, released last August, focuses on the main factors behind the current labour shortages, a growing phenomenon and concern for employers and policymakers across Europe.
  • It follows the Global Labour Shortage Briefing, published by WEC in the second quarter of 2022, that stressed how job vacancy rates continue to rise in 2022, and in many countries, the numbers are the highest that they have ever been.
Newsletter juillet, 2022

Staffing Executive Regulatory Outlook 2022

juillet, 2022
  • The last edition of the Staffing Executive Regulatory Outlook (SERO) presents the result of a survey to executives of staffing national federations around the world on the probability and potential impact of regulatory changes in the industry within the next six months.
  • In India, Italy and Mexico, the provisions are that regulation changes for staffing industry will have an overall strong and positive impact on the sector, while Belgium, Norway, Germany and Sweden are expected to have the most negative impact.
Newsletter juin, 2022

World Employment Conference 2022

juin, 2022
  • The World Employment Conference 2022 took place on 31st May in Brussels.
  • Participants got the opportunity to exchange opinion about the gap between workers' and employers' expectations, which was the announced main theme of the conference.

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