Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter décembre, 2023

USA: Presidential Memorandum to Ensuring High Labour Standards

décembre, 2023
Newsletter novembre, 2023

Axa launches a new programme to create an inclusive and supportive global workplace

novembre, 2023
  • On 3 October 2023, Axa announced its new 'We Care' programme, a long-term project to create an inclusive and supportive corporate culture that is attentive to the health and well-being of employees.
  • It will apply to all of Axa's more than 110,000 employees worldwide across 51 countries.  

Credit Agricole signs a new global agreement with UNI Global Union

novembre, 2023
  • On 9 October 2023, Crédit Agricole Group S.A. and UNI Global Union signed a new four-year agreementthat confirms the Group's focus on the protection of workers' rights in the workplace, their trade union and human rights, as well as its ongoing commitment to developing a fruitful social dialogue.
  • It applies to all 75.000 employees in 46 countries. 

Indonesia: new Guidelines on Workplace Sexual Harassment

novembre, 2023
  • On 9 May 2023, the Minister of Manpower ("MoM") issued Decree No. 88 of 2023 on Guidelines for the Prevention of and Response to Sexual Harassment in the Workplace, updating the previous guidelines in force since 2011 (MOM Decree No. SE.03/MEN/IV/2011).
  • The Guidelines identify actions employers should take to prevent and address sexual harassment in the workplace effectively.
Newsletter octobre, 2023

Convention n. 190 on Violence and Harassment of the International Labour Organization entered into force in Mexico

octobre, 2023
  • On 6 July 2023, the ILO Convention n. 190 on Violence and Harassment entered into force in Mexico.
Newsletter juin, 2023

Belgium: New regulation on violence at work and psychological or sexual harassment at work

juin, 2023
  • On 15 May 2023, a new regulation modifying the protection against retaliation of discrimination and violence, moral or sexual harassment at work was published in the Belgian State Gazette.
  • The new rules, required to comply with the relevant European directives, came into force on 1 June 2023. 
Newsletter mai, 2023

Ecuador: “Violet Law” enacted

mai, 2023
  • On 10 January 2023, the National Assembly of Ecuador passed the Organic Law to Promote the Violet Economy, aiming to achieve equal treatment and rights between men and women and to prevent and eradicate gender-based violence.
  • It came into effect on 20 January after its publication in the Official Register.
Newsletter avril, 2023

Brazil: new provisions against violence in the workplace

avril, 2023
  • Last September, Law No. 14.457/2022 introduced the “Employ + Women Program,” which sets forth a series of measures to promote the employment placement and retention of women in the labour market and actions to prevent and combat sexual harassment and other forms of violence in the workplace.
  • It also included the employer’s obligation to constitute a CIPA (now called “Internal Committee for Accident Prevention and Harassment”).

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