Co-funded by the European Union
protection sociale
Newsletter novembre, 2021

Gig economy: European Parliament backed proposals for a new law on fair working conditions, rights and social protection for platform workers

novembre, 2021
  • On 16 September 2021, the European Parliament adopted an own-initiative report on “Fair working conditions, rights and social protection for platform workers — New forms of employment linked to digital development.” 
  • The report highlights the legal uncertainty around the term ‘worker’ and ‘self-employed’ and calls for a reversal of the burden of proof for workers claiming employment status, pleading for a minimum set of rights for platform workers regardless of their employment status.

The definition of worker in the platform economy: Exploring workers’ risks and regulatory solutions (an European Economic and Social Committee workers’ group study)

novembre, 2021
  • The research report has been produced in the context of a project entitled ‘The definition of worker in the platform economy’ (CES/FSA/09/2020) commissioned by the workers’ group of the European Economic and Social Committee. 
  • The final report aims to contribute to the debate on platform workers’ risk and regulatory solutions.
Newsletter juin, 2021

2021 International Labour Conference adopted a Resolution on social protection

juin, 2021

WEC-Europe launches the Manifesto “Recovery, Reform and Resilience”

juin, 2021
  • WEC-Europe calls for national policies to focus on recovery, reform and resilience. 
  • It details how the European Union can be supporting its Member States in the recovery phase. 
Newsletter mai, 2021

2021 International Labour Conference has already started its virtual works

mai, 2021
  • The 2021 ILC will first discuss topics such as the impact of Covid-19 on the world of work and the ILO’s response, social protection and the application of international Labour Standards.
  • A second part of the Conference to be held in November 2021 will discuss the topics of inequalities and skills.
Newsletter avril, 2021

Global Development of International Labour Standards, a new IOE publication

avril, 2021
  • The International Organisation of Employers (IOE) has contributed a publication for an international comparative guide.
  • The chapter provides an overview of the development of International Labour Standards (ILS), including the processes of standard-setting, ratification, and supervisory procedures at the International Labour Organisation (ILO).
Newsletter février, 2021

IOE and WEC propose the road to a sustainable recovery for employment and decent work

février, 2021
  • Based on four drivers (informality, private sector growth, creating opportunities and digital transformation), the report puts forward a series of policy recommendations for sustained job recovery
Newsletter janvier, 2021

Business and labour organisations’ call to G20 governments

janvier, 2021
  • On 1st December 2020, Italy took over the G20 Presidency
  • This highly challenging period will require a lot of efforts from all G20 members to deliver an inclusive and resilient recovery
  • The IOE, together with 13 international business and labour organisations, have signed a joint letter to G20 governments calling to ensure that “building back better” is not just a mantra but materialises into concrete positive outcomes

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