Co-funded by the European Union

2021 International Labour Conference adopted a Resolution on social protection

The debate on social protection recurrent discussion was based on the Report entitled “Building the future of social protection for a human-centred world of work” and was guided by a set of questions focusing on:

  1. How to realise universal social protection
  2. How to strengthen social protection systems
  3. How to ensure equitable and sustainable financing for social protection systems
  4. How to reinforce ILO means of action to achieve universal access to comprehensive and sustainable social protection.

Sustainability was the key driver behind the Employers’ position within the Committee as a necessary underlying condition to realise universal social protection. Employers repeatedly and consistently underlined the importance of sustainability of social protection systems for these to be effective and adequate over the long term, including in terms of financing strategies.

The Resolution contains 5 crucial elements for business, inter alia the need to:

  1. Protect enterprises and facilitate business stability in the eventuality of future crises and transformations (Clause 14 b).
  2. Complement social protection with active inclusion and labour market policies, including with incentives for enterprises to facilitate work transitions (Clause 14 f).
  3. Foster transitions from the informal to the formal economy and prevent the informalisation of employment by promoting a favourable environment for sustainable enterprises, especially Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) (Clause 14 g).
  4. Secure adequate, sustainable, and equitable financing strategies taking into account the counterproductive effects of unsustainable budgetary pressures, the situation of business, in particular micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (Clause 15 d).
  5. Ensure sustainable and adequate financing by complementing social protection floors (2nd pillar) and allowing for the existence of additional complementary pillars, including voluntary contributory schemes (2nd and 3rd pillars), in line with relevant and up to date ILO standards and according to national circumstances (Clause 15 f).

Following this Resolution, an Action Plan will be developed by the ILO Office and submitted to the ILO Governing Body in order to implement this agreement and translate it in policy action.