Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter mai, 2023

Generali Group signed an agreement on hybrid working

mai, 2023
  • On 20 April 2023, the global insurance Generali Group, together with the unions First-Cisl, Fisac-Cgil, Uilca, FNA, and SNFIA, signed an agreement on hybrid working to "unlock our people potential, boost the business strategy ambition and deliver benefits to all the stakeholder involved."
  • It is the renewal of the so-called 'Next Normal' agreement of 27 July 2021 - which expired on 31 March last and was extended until 30 April next year - combining the needs of a different way of working with those of a concrete reconciliation of life and work time.
  • The new agreement version pays special attention to inclusiveness, remodeling smart working for caregivers, and the right of disconnection.

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