Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter octobre, 2021

Minimum Wage Directive: the proposal for a “social partners option”

octobre, 2021

South Africa: The dismissal of employees engaged in an unprotected strike action is fair

octobre, 2021
  • On 9 September 2021, the Labour Appeal Court of South Africa, Johannesburg, rules over fairness of dismissal of employees embarking on an unprotected strike.
  • The decision is based on the serious and dangerous circumstances of the strike.
  • The Court of Appeal reformed the decision of the Labour Court (Lagrange J) delivered on 17 September 2019, which had found the dismissal of the respondent employees to be substantively unfair and ordered their reinstatement.
  • Instead, the sanction of dismissal, according to the Court of Appeal, was fair, given the circumstances of the case and considering their decision to embark on an unprotected strike action at a critical business period and their persistent refusal, without bona fide reason provided, to comply with the ultimatum.
Newsletter septembre, 2021

First proceedings under USMCA United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA)

septembre, 2021
  • The first two complaints using the RRLM were filed in May of this year. The American Federation of Labour and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) filed a complaint against Tridonex on 10 May 2021 and the United States Trade Representative filed a complaint against General Motors (GM) on 12 May 2021.
  • On 10 August 2021, the Tridonex case ended with an agreement between the Company and the US Government.
  • On 17 August 2021, workers at General Motors plant, after an initial vote in April marred by spoiled ballots, voted to scrap their collective contract under the supervision of independent observers to guarantee a fair vote.
Newsletter août, 2021

Employers’ organisations and trade unions in Morocco are working on telework regulation

août, 2021
  • A legal framework for telework does not exist in Morocco yet.
  • The General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises (Confederation Générale des Entreprises du Maroc, CGEM) announced to have finalised a draft law on teleworking to be shared with the two most representative trade unions in the private sector.
  • Once discussed with the unions, the copy will be given to the Minister of Employment to start the dialogue.

SOLIFEM: Social dialogue in Arab States, a new International Labour Organisation (ILO)’s project

août, 2021
  • The project will support the transition from the informal to the formal economy through tripartite social dialogue in Arab States
  • The move to formality is a way to increase access to decent work and reduce poverty, foster sustainable and productive enterprises that compete in fair domestic and international markets and increase the power of government.
Newsletter avril, 2021

Company level social dialogue in times of restructuring: news from Belgium

avril, 2021
  • Social partners recently confirmed the joint recommendations signed in December 2019 on collective dismissals and agreed to assess their content again within three years
  • The Government communicated its desire to evaluate an improvement of the entire system, thus overriding the social dialogue outcome.
Newsletter mars, 2021

Federation of Egyptian Industries presented an advocacy plan to favour industrial growth and encourage foreign direct investment

mars, 2021
  • The Federation of Egyptian Industries (FEI) periodically updates the state of play of national reforms and the related business’ recommendations
  • The plan considers topics such as labour law, social security law, trade union law, SMEs easiness of doing business, among others
  • FEI advocacy plan has been successful in a series of reforms, especially on trade and investments

OECD Database on collective bargaining systems was published

mars, 2021
  • The database on up-to-2020 collective bargaining processes for wage-setting and minimum wages on 56 OECD/non- OECD countries was released
  • The database provides comparable data on trade union and employers’ organisations density as well as on the role played by these actors in each collective bargaining system

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