Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter octobre, 2020

European Union: amendment to the Directive on the posting of workers and transposition into Swedish national laws

octobre, 2020
  • The amendment to the Posting of Workers Directive had to be transposed into national law in July 2020.
  • Sweden has already complied with this obligation after undergoing a process of dialogue with the social partners.
  • The outcome regulation is not fully satisfactory as there is still a lack of clarity on a major part of the amendment concerning wages, which is likely to impact companies.
Newsletter juillet, 2020

Costa Rica: Strike regulation goes through an important reform

juillet, 2020
  • The new legislation defines legal strike as opposed to illegal strike, and sets the conditions for legality.
  • It also distinguishes between essential services and services of transcendental importance and many other important specificities.

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