Co-funded by the European Union
développements nationaux
Newsletter mai, 2024

Artificial intelligence and the changing demand for skills in the labour market (an OECD paper)

mai, 2024
  • The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) recently released a report on the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the labour market. Published on 10 April 2024, it highlights the changing demand for skills and the profound transformation in how work is organised and performed.
  • The report emphasises a significant shift in skills demand across sectors due to AI adoption, increasing the need for technical and soft skills like problem-solving and critical thinking.
  • AI adoption varies by industry, affecting skill requirements differently across sectors. Employers in technology-intensive fields must prioritise upskilling and reskilling initiatives to cope with rapidly evolving job roles.

Austria: Decision on automated decision in hiring

mai, 2024
  • The Supreme Administrative Court of Austria (VwGH) has recently confirmed in case Ro 2021/04/0010-11 that the Public Employment Service's use of an algorithm for categorizing job seekers qualifies as 'automated decision-making' under Article 22 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). 
  • This term refers to a process where a decision that significantly affects an individual is made solely by automated means, without human intervention. The court's ruling mandates strict adherence to data protection laws in such cases.

Brazil: Law on the Company Promoting Mental Health Certificate

mai, 2024
  • Brazil has introduced Law No. 14.831, establishing the "Certificado Empresa Promotora da Saúde Mental," a certificate granted to companies that promote mental health and well-being among their employees.
  • To qualify, companies must adhere to guidelines focusing on mental health promotion, worker well-being, and transparency, including offering psychological support and promoting work-life balance.
  • The certification is valid for two years and could be used in marketing to highlight a company's commitment to mental health. Non-compliance can result in the certificate's revocation.

Singapore: SkillsFuture Level-Up Programme

mai, 2024
  • Singapore's recent initiative, the SkillsFuture Level-Up Programme, is designed to significantly bolster the career longevity and adaptability of mid-career professionals aged 40 and above.
  • It took effect on 1 May 2024 and aims to address the dynamic needs of an ageing workforce and the demands of an evolving economy through substantial reskilling and upskilling opportunities.
  • The programme is open to all Singaporean citizens aged 40 and above, regardless of their employment status.

European Commission’s Report on telework and right to disconnect

mai, 2024

Mexico: Meeting on “Measures to achieve the reconciliation of work and family responsibilities of Convention 156 of the International Labour Organization”

mai, 2024
  • At a recent meeting organised by the Mexican Senate and the ILO Office for Mexico and Cuba, meaningful discussions unfolded regarding the ratification of ILO Convention 156, which aims to establish equality of opportunity and treatment for workers with family responsibilities.
  • This event underscored Mexican legislators' commitment to tackling the challenges and reaping the benefits of formalising support for workers with family responsibilities.
Newsletter mai, 2024

Austria: Decision on automated decision in hiring

mai, 2024
  • The Supreme Administrative Court of Austria (VwGH) has recently confirmed in case Ro 2021/04/0010-11 that the Public Employment Service's use of an algorithm for categorizing job seekers qualifies as 'automated decision-making' under Article 22 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). 
  • This term refers to a process where a decision that significantly affects an individual is made solely by automated means, without human intervention. The court's ruling mandates strict adherence to data protection laws in such cases.
Newsletter avril, 2024

Netherlands: The Equal Opportunity in Employment Bill rejected in Senate

avril, 2024
  • On 14 March 2023, the Dutch House of Representatives passed the "Supervision of Equal Opportunities in Recruitment and Selection Bill," which aims to address and reduce employment discrimination, especially on the basis of origin, gender, race, colour, age, religion, sexual orientation or disability.
  • On 12 March 2024, the discussion around the bill continued in the Dutch Senate, building on the plenary debate initiated on 27 February 2024.A critical vote and accompanying motions took place on26 March 2024 and and the Bill was not adopted in the Senate after a majority voted against it.

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