Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter mai, 2023

Ecuador: “Violet Law” enacted

mai, 2023
  • On 10 January 2023, the National Assembly of Ecuador passed the Organic Law to Promote the Violet Economy, aiming to achieve equal treatment and rights between men and women and to prevent and eradicate gender-based violence.
  • It came into effect on 20 January after its publication in the Official Register.

UK: New guidance on positive action in the workplace

mai, 2023
  • On 17 April 2023, UK Government published “Positive action in the workplace: guidance for employers,” explaining how employers can help people who share a particular protected characteristic to overcome specific barriers with positive actions without unfairly disadvantaging other groups as this could amount to an unlawful ‘positive discrimination.’
  • It covers all protected characteristics, including sex, sexual orientation, age, and ethnicity.
  • It is a part of the ongoing government’s inclusive strategy to support employers in creating opportunities for underrepresented groups within their workforce.

South Africa: new Employment Equity Act signed

mai, 2023
  • On 12 April 2023, the Employment Equity Act (2020) was signed into law. 
  • It amends the existing Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998, aiming to promote diversity and equality in the workplace.
  • It applies only to companies employing more than 50 people.
Newsletter avril, 2023

Veronesi Group: renewal of the second-level integrative contract

avril, 2023
  • Veronesi Group renewed the second-level integrative contract for 2023-2025 for about 5,500 people working at the AIA poultry sites.
  • The agreement was signed with the poultry coordination represented by the confederal unions of Veneto

China: new Punishment Benchmark Table for gender discrimination in employment

avril, 2023
  • On 30 October 2022, the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China adopted the revised Law on the Protection of Women's Rights and Interests.
  • Initially passed in 1992, the updated legislation came into force on 1 January 2023.
  • On 13 January 2023, Beijing Human Resources and Social Security Administration implemented the revised Law regulating the administrative punishments from human resources and social security departments in the new "Punishment Benchmark Table."
  • It has significantly increased the punishment for employers' gender discrimination compared to 2022.
Newsletter mars, 2023

Nigeria: a decision on discrimination in the workplace

mars, 2023
  • On 11 January 2023, the National Industrial Court of Nigeria ("NICN") repealed a discriminatory law, thus demonstrating the attention and commitment to achieving gender equity.
  • In the case Omolola Olajide v. The Nigerian Police Force & 2 others (unreported Suit No: NICN/AK/14/2021), the Court stated the unlawfulness of a dismissal of an unmarried pregnant woman because it was based on a law that the Court annulled as discriminatory. 
Newsletter février, 2023

European Union Court of Justice: a decision on discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation

février, 2023
  • On 12 January 2023, the European Court of Justice ruled on equal treatment in employment and occupation concerning sexual orientation.
  • It stated that a refusal, based on the sexual orientation of the person concerned, to conclude or renew a contract with that person for the provision of certain services by that person in the context of a self-employed activity is contrary to the Employment Equality Directive (2000/78/EC).
Newsletter janvier, 2023

Italy: Modalities and criteria to benefit from the contribution exemption for private companies that achieve gender equality certification

janvier, 2023
  • On 28 November 2022 was published the long-awaited decree of the Minister of Labour, in agreement with the Ministers for Equal Opportunities and for the Economy and Finance, which defines the criteria and modalities for the use of the contribution exemption for private employers who obtain gender equality certification.
  • The exemption applies only to private companies that have achieved gender equality certification, while public administrations are expressly excluded.

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