Co-funded by the European Union
politique active du marché du travail
Newsletter avril, 2024

ILO: Meeting of Experts on Wage Policies concluded

avril, 2024
  • The International Labour Organization (ILO) achieved a landmark agreement on living wages during its Meeting of Experts on wage policies in Geneve last February. 
  • On 13 March 2024, the ILO’s Governing Body endorsed the agreement. 
  • It emphasises the role of social dialogue and collective bargaining in achieving living wages, advocating for wage-setting processes that reflect ILO principles, the diverse needs of workers, and economic realities.
Newsletter mars, 2024

Chile: The Labour Directorate establishes the meaning and scope of Law No. 21.645 on the protection of maternity, paternity and family life

mars, 2024
  • Law N°21.645, published on 29 December 2023, amended the Labour Code to strengthen maternity, paternity, and family life protections. It introduces a new regime for remote work and telecommuting under specific conditions.
  • On 26 January 2024, the National Director of Labour issued Dictamen N°67/1, providing legal interpretation and guidance on the law. 

Argentina: new president issues emergency decree on labour issues

mars, 2024
  • On 20 December 2023, the Argentine government introduced Decree 70/2023, aimed, among others, at reshaping the employment landscape. 
  • This reform was, however,halted. Trade unions obtained injunctions against the enforcement of the labour chapter and a partial ruling by a labour court has suspended the effects of the new law. 
  • The decision now lies with the national Supreme Court of Justice.

Minimum wages in 2024: Eurofound analysis

mars, 2024

Randstad Workmonitor 2024: The voice of talent in 2024

mars, 2024
  • Randstad recently published the Workmonitor 2024 report, which provides an in-depth analysis of emerging labour market trends, worker attitudes, and the future of employment based on a comprehensive global survey.
  • The report highlights key issues such as the impact of technology on jobs, the rise of remote work, and the evolving expectations of employees towards work-life balance and job security.

ILO: New report on decent work in platform economy

mars, 2024
  • The International Labour Organization (ILO) recently released, on January 2024, the Law and Practise report in  the emerging field of digital labour platforms and their impact in the World of Work.
  • The Law and Practise report (known as White Report), is intended to inform the discussions at the 2025-2026 Standard Setting on Platform Economy and to help Member States in responding to the appended questionnaire.
  • The inputs and responses provided by the Member States will set the base for the Yellow Report, which will be the draft report discussed in the first sitting of the Platform Economy Standard Setting in 2025.

European Commission proposes changes to EWC Directive strengthening transnational social dialogue

mars, 2024
  • On 24 January 2024, the European Commission presented its proposal to amend the directive on European Works Councils (EWCs).
  • It aims to ensure more effective communication channels between employers and employee representatives, highlighting the importance of early and meaningful consultations and clarifying the operational framework of EWCs, potentially leading to more structured and efficient consultation processes.
Newsletter février, 2024

Singapore: “Businesses Need to Sustain Output for Four-day Workweek to Work” The National Employers Federation of Singapore (SNEF) recently analysed employers' perspectives towards the four-day working week and why they support it

février, 2024
  • The survey results were compiled in an interesting article published in the Singapore Labour Journal.
  • The report provides information on the opportunities and challenges of a four-day working week, highlighting potential trade-offs that could be adopted in different industries in Singapore.

Mots clés

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