Co-funded by the European Union
Search results 731 - 740 of 747

South African Labour Court Decision on OSH Binding Measures for the Mining Sector

A Court Order Issued on the 1st May Requires Employers in the Mining Sector to Prepare and Implement a Code of Practice to Ensure the…

Chile Modified the Labour Code to Include Provisions on Telework (Law N. 21.220)

Chile passed a law on telework that allows for flexibility in the way work is organised, but it needs to be formalised into an agreement.…

US New Regulations on Paid Sick Leave and Support Measures for Unemployed Workers

US Government approved the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) and the Families First Coronavirus Response Act…

Examples of Essential Services Exempted from Suspension

Specific laws were enacted in France, New Zealand, Ontario (Canada) and South Africa containing a list of essential services that could…

New Law Bans Dismissals for Economic Reasons in Argentina, Italy and Spain

Governments of Argentina, Italy and Spain enacted a law to ban dismissals to avoid lay off procedures. Employers’ organisations in those…

South Africa: Social dialogue institution presents solutions to the recovery

South African social partners gathered with the government and civil society to present proposals during the crisis. A temporary…

Germany: An Innovative Collective Agreement for the Metal and Electrical Industry

A new collective agreement sought to mitigate the impact from Covid-19 outbreak for businesses and workers in the metal and electrical…

Italy: Tripartite Agreement to Combat and Contain the Spread of the Virus in the Workplace

Italian social partners agreed on a shared protocol for occupation health and safety. The protocol provides general health and safety…

ILO (Bureau for Employers’ Activities ACT/EMP) published an employers’ guide on “Managing your workplace during Covid-19”

ILO ACT/EMP supported employers’ organisations by publishing a guide on workplace relations, employment and safety issues

Global Action in the Garment Industry

Employers, workers and major brands joined a call for action to support the garment industry. An international working group was…

Search results 731 - 740 of 747