Co-funded by the European Union
Search results 1 - 10 of 747

Philippines: Decision on upholding Philippine laws for foreign companies

The case concerns a Filipino worker employed in the KSA under a two-year contract, who was terminated after 15 months when a routine…

Industrial Relations and Labour Law | July 2024

This latest edition of the Newsletter features a deep dive into several pivotal updates and reports directly on initiatives impacting…

Australia: Decision on evidence of injury at work

Anthony Macari, employed through a labour-hire company, claimed to have slipped on wet stairs at Snack Brands' factory, resulting in…

European Union: Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) approved

Under the Directive, companies must identify and address potential and actual adverse human rights and environmental impacts within…

Austria: The so-called Transparency Directive finally transposed into national law

What additional information must be included in written employment notices? The new legislation mandates that employers provide…

South Africa: Decision on discrimination in personnel selection

The case concerns an applicant who received a job offer, which was later retracted after a criminal background check revealed past…

New publications from OECD and IOE on Artificial Intelligence

With 47 adherents, including the European Union, the OECD AI Principles serve as a global blueprint for  policy frameworks. These…

We stand for values: a new alliance of businesses for diversity, openness and tolerance

The initiative underscores the critical role of the EU in ensuring prosperity and job creation across Europe. In their first joint…

South Korea: New data protection rules

What new rights do data subjects have under these amendments? Data subjects now have the right to: Request an explanation or review…

Hong Kong: Government changed the mechanism for determining statutory minimum wage

What are the fundamental changes to the SMW review mechanism in Hong Kong? The key changes include: The SMW rate will now be…

Search results 1 - 10 of 747