Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter February, 2023

Finland: “Evaluation of Active Labour Market Policies in Finland” (a OECD report)

February, 2023
  • On February 2023, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) released a report assessing the framework for the impact evaluation of active labour market policies (ALMPs) in Finland.
  • It covers the whole cycle of evidence-based policymaking from strategy and planning of evaluations, resources, data collection, and evaluation methodologies to disseminating evidence and uses in policymaking.
  • technical report accompanies the report on evaluation results.

European Union Court of Justice: a decision on discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation

February, 2023
  • On 12 January 2023, the European Court of Justice ruled on equal treatment in employment and occupation concerning sexual orientation.
  • It stated that a refusal, based on the sexual orientation of the person concerned, to conclude or renew a contract with that person for the provision of certain services by that person in the context of a self-employed activity is contrary to the Employment Equality Directive (2000/78/EC).

Pakistan: New International Accord workplace safety programme

February, 2023
  • Following the International Accord for Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry, effective September 2021, the signatories agreed to establish a comprehensive workplace health and safety programme in Pakistan.
  • The agreement, which expires on 31 December 2025, covers signatories’ garment and textile suppliers in a country with crucial importance as a garment and textile sourcing for the Accord brands.

European Sectoral Social Partners ask for a review of the rules on the financing of the European Sectoral Social Dialogue Committees.

February, 2023
  • 32 European Sectoral Social Partners organisations, on 8 February 2023, in a joint letter to the European Commission, expressed serious concerns regarding the review of the rules on financing the European Sectoral Social Dialogue Committees.

France: signed an agreement between French ride-hailing platforms and drivers’ organisations

February, 2023
  • On 18 January 2023, a first agreement in the sector of ride-share platforms (Voiture de Transport avec Chauffeur or VTCs in French) was signed, setting out a minimum income per trip at EUR 7.65 net from 1 February 2023.
  • It provides a 27 per cent increase over the lowest rate on the market, “regardless of the application used. 

Denmark: decisions on the employer's duty to take measures to adapt work to employees with disabilities

February, 2023
  • On 25 January 2023, the Dismissal Board declared the legitimacy of dismissing a disabled employee with 45 years of seniority because the employee could no longer perform his job due to his disability. 

European Union Court of Justice: the employer must bear the cost of the vision devices purchased by the employees using the display screen

February, 2023
  • On 22 December 2022, the European Court of Justice ruled that the employer must bear the cost of the vision devices purchased by its employees using video display screens, either through reimbursement of the expenses incurred or through the direct supply of lenses or spectacles.

Chile: Senate Labour Committee approved a bill to reduce working hours

February, 2023
  • On 25 January 2023, the Senate Labour Commission approved the Bill to reduce the working day to 40 hours in the second constitutional process.
  • The Bill still has to be debated in the Chamber of Deputies.