Co-funded by the European Union

Eramet signed a global agreement on social protection

  • Eramet, a pioneering force in the mining industry, has signed its first global agreement to establish a comprehensive social protection solution for its employees worldwide.
  • Known as Eramet Global Care, this agreement underscores the company's commitment to employee welfare and corporate social responsibility. It ensures that employees receive consistent benefits regardless of their location and promotes equity and solidarity within the organisation.

Eramet Global Care is signed by Eramet's management and employee representatives from the Eramet Global Forum and provides a uniform level of social protection across all 13 countries where Eramet operates.

Key Highlights of Eramet Global Care:

  • Death Insurance: One of the most notable provisions of this agreement is the introduction of death insurance coverage, providing financial security to the families of deceased employees. This coverage, which equates to 12 months' salary, is a critical support mechanism, particularly for the 48 per cent of employees who previously did not have such benefits.
  • Healthcare Coverage: Eramet Global Care also includes essential health benefits for all employees. This encompasses hospital treatments, regular and emergency medical care, and maternity care. The Group has committed to organising prevention and screening programmes for specific diseases and addressing lifestyle risks such as obesity and sedentary habits. These proactive measures aim to improve overall employee health and reduce preventable illnesses.
  • Maternity and Women's Working Conditions: The agreement introduces a range of initiatives to enhance working conditions for women and support gender diversity within the company. Key measures include:16 weeks of fully paid maternity leave; reasonable accommodation at workstations and with regards to working hours and workloads for pregnant employees; pay and career progression guarantees, as well as infrastructure improvements for women.

Christel Bories, Chairman and CEO of Eramet, commented: "Eramet Global Care brings to life a key commitment of our CSR roadmap 'Act for Positive Mining': taking care of our employees, wherever they are in the world. With over 80 per cent of our workforce based outside Europe, this transnational agreement brings real improvements to the well-being of our teams, especially women. The Eramet Global Care agreement was negotiated and signed in less than six months, testifying to the quality and effectiveness of social dialogue within the Group."

This groundbreaking agreement is the latest in a series of innovative steps by Eramet to improve employee relations and welfare.

As previously reported, just a year ago Eramet announced the creation of the Eramet Global Forum, a global employee representative body established to negotiate international agreements on social protection, quality of life at work, diversity, inclusion, and parenthood.