Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter septembre, 2024

Monoprix signed an agreement on night work during Olympic games

septembre, 2024
  • Monoprix, a leading retail chain in France, recently signed an exceptional night work agreement to address the challenges posed by the upcoming 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris.
  • The agreement, signed on 17 June 2024, with key trade unions CFDT, CFE-CGC, and CGT, will be effective from 15 July 15 to 16 September 2024. This period covers the time from the Olympic torch relay until the anticipated end of dismantling the sporting installations.

Abu Dhabi Global Market Authority (ADGM) published a consultation paper on amendments to the ADGM Employment Regulations 2019

septembre, 2024
  • The Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) Registration Authority (RA) has issued Consultation Paper 2024-04 to gather public feedback on proposed amendments to the Employment Regulations 2019.
  • The amendments address ambiguities, adapt to global work practice changes, and clarify employer and employee rights and obligations.
  • The consultation period ended on 26 August 2024, and stakeholders were encouraged to provide their comments.

USA: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) issued a circular on Confidentiality Agreements and Employee Whistleblower Protections

septembre, 2024
  • On 24 July 2024, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) issued Circular 2024-04, which provides critical guidance on whistleblower protections under Section 1057 of the Consumer Financial Protection Act (CFPA).
  • This circular has significant implications for businesses regarding confidentiality agreements and their potential conflict with federal whistleblower protections.
  • It clarifies that while confidentiality agreements can protect legitimate business interests, they must not infringe on employees' rights to report suspected violations of consumer financial laws.

California Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of Proposition 22

septembre, 2024
  • The California Supreme Court's recent decision to uphold Proposition 22 marks a crucial moment for the gig economy, providing a definitive resolution to the long-standing legal debate.
  • This ruling has profound implications for app-based companies and their workforce management strategies.
  • It provides a framework for employers to maintain flexible workforce models while adhering to mandated benefits and protections.

European Court of Justice: decision on the deadline for challenging dismissal for a pregnant worker

septembre, 2024
  • On 27 June 2024, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) ruled in Case C-284/23, focusing on interpreting Directive 92/85/EEC regarding the dismissal protection for pregnant workers.
  • The Court stated that national laws requiring pregnant workers to request leave to bring an action out of time within two weeks can be incompatible with EU law if they make exercising dismissal protection rights excessively difficult.

Argentina: Ley n. 27.742 “Bases and Starting Points for the Freedom of the Argentines” published

septembre, 2024
  • On 8 July 2024, the Official Gazette published Law 27,742, also known as the “Bases and Starting Points for the Freedom of the Argentines”. It  was approved by the National Congress on 27 June 2024.
  • It includes a declaration of public emergency in administrative, economic, financial, and energy matters, which is set to last for one year. This emergency declaration was initially made by Decree 70/2023, as we previously reported here.

New Zealand: Regulatory Systems (Immigration and Workforce) Amendment Bill introduced to Parliament

septembre, 2024

Puerto Rico: Law Against Discrimination Based on Hairstyles (Senate Bill 1282) enacted

septembre, 2024
  • The introduction of the "Ley Contra el Discrimen Por Razón de Estilos de Cabello" on July 24, 2024, marks a significant step in Puerto Rico's legislative efforts to combat racial discrimination.
  • This law addresses the discriminatory and bias practices against hairstyles and hair textures commonly associated with specific racial and national identities.
  • It amends several existing laws, including the "Ley de Relaciones del Trabajo para el Servicio Público de Puerto Rico" and the "Ley para prohibir y prevenir el Acoso Laboral en Puerto Rico."