Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter décembre, 2023

OECD Skills Outlook 2023: Skills for a Resilient Green and Digital Transition

décembre, 2023
  • On 6 November 2023, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) published the Skills Outlook 2023, which examines developments and trends in skills, employment and the global economy.
  • The 2023 edition focuses on skills change resulting from the green and digital transition and the role of skills policies in ensuring economic and social resilience.

Fit for 55 Climate Package: Impact on EU Employment by 2030 (an Eurofound Report)

décembre, 2023
  • "Fit for 55" is a policy package adopted in 2021 by EU policymakers that contains critical objectives to achieve a 55 per cent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.
  • On 25 October 2023, Eurofound released a new report that forecasts how the “Fit for 55” policy package may affect employment in the EU by 2030.
  • According to the report, employment gains will vary widely among countries and regions depending on their reliance on carbon-intensive industries and their ability to exploit greening opportunities.

Canada: Pay Transparency Legislation Entered into Force in British Columbia

décembre, 2023
  • As we reported last May, British Colombia adopted the Pay Transparency Act, which addresses systemic discrimination in the workplace and aims to reduce pay gaps affecting women, people of colour, people with disabilities, and non-binary people.
  • According to the Act, employers can no longer ask job applicants about what they were paid in previous positions. 
  • From 1 November 2023, all employers in British Columbia must include pay ranges in job postings, prepare reports identifying systemic pay discrimination, and disclose pay information to employees and applicants upon request.
  • The Pay Transparency Regulation (BC Reg 225/2023) was released on 23 October 2023 and is now in force. It provides details on the mandatory contents of the remuneration transparency reports. 




USA: Presidential Memorandum to Ensuring High Labour Standards

décembre, 2023

European Court of Justice: Decision on Part-time and Accrual of Pay Increases

décembre, 2023
  • On 19 October 2023, the Court of Justice of the European Union, in Case C-660/20, stressed that only objective reasons can justify treating part-time and full-time workers differently.
  • The Court ruled that domestic legislation that requires part-time employees to work an extra number of hours equal to that required of full-time employees to obtain a pay supplement is contrary to EU law.
  • That provision is discriminatory as it unfavourably treats part-time employees, who must perform more extra hours of service than their full-time colleagues to receive the same additional remuneration.

UK: Information Commissioner’s Office Publishes Guidance to Ensure Lawful Monitoring in the Workplace

décembre, 2023
  • On 3 October 2023, the UK Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) published a new Guidance on lawful monitoring in the workplace
  • It aims to help employers comply with the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018) and provides practical advice. 





21st International Conference of Labour Statisticians

décembre, 2023
  • The 21st International Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS) took place in Geneva from 11 to 20 October 2023, marking the centenary of the first Conference.
  • Workers, employers, and governments from ILO member state delegates from around 140 countries addressed critical issues related to labour market statistics and ILO statistical activities.
  • Topics covered ranged from informality, Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) indicators, violence and harassment at work, international labour migration, International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO), child and forced labour, and cooperatives.

Vietnam: Decree 152/2020/ND-CP Regulating Foreign Workers in Viet Nam Amended

décembre, 2023
  • On 18 September 2023, the Government issued Decree No. 70/2023/ND-CP, amending, with immediate effect, Decree No. 152 on foreign employees working in Viet Nam, aiming to streamline the recruitment process of foreign workers.