Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter mai, 2023

Australia: a decision on protections for whistleblowers

mai, 2023
  • Last March, the South Australian district court rendered the first decision under Australia's whistleblowing laws, stating that a former civil servant could not be protected for alleged wrongdoing while collecting evidence to support his revelations about the Australian Taxation Office's unethical and aggressive pursuit of debts.
  • The judgment that caused considerable debate in the country is based on the Court's narrow interpretation of the scope of whistleblower protections, which would apply only to whistleblowing and not to the preceding preparatory conduct.

Uruguay: The Senate voted on amendments to collective bargaining

mai, 2023
  • On 10 May 2023, the Senate approved the Bill drafted by the Executive, amending the provisions of Act 18.566 on collective bargaining in line with ILO recommendations.

“Implementing a safe and healthy working environment: Where are we now?” (an ILO report)

mai, 2023
  • On 28 April 2023, the ILO published a new report on the global implementation status of some key provisions in the fundamental Conventions No. 155 and 187.
  • The publication took place on the World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2023, celebrating the decision to include a safe and healthy work environment in the ILO Fundamental Principles and Rights framework.
  • It shows that, even if progress has been made, the health and safety of numerous workers worldwide are still at risk due to a lack of appropriate occupational safety and health (OSH) action in several crucial areas. It is essential to address the issue of the suffering caused for workers and their families, and the associated economic costs are colossal for enterprises and countries.

European Commission published the annual report on intra-EU labour mobility 2022

mai, 2023
  • On 5 April 2023, the European Commission published the 2022 annual report on intra-EU labour mobility, which identifies trends in the free movement of workers.
  • The 2022 edition focuses on cross-border workers in the EU and EFTA, on the one hand, and mobility of persons with specific occupations.

Generali Group signed an agreement on hybrid working

mai, 2023
  • On 20 April 2023, the global insurance Generali Group, together with the unions First-Cisl, Fisac-Cgil, Uilca, FNA, and SNFIA, signed an agreement on hybrid working to "unlock our people potential, boost the business strategy ambition and deliver benefits to all the stakeholder involved."
  • It is the renewal of the so-called 'Next Normal' agreement of 27 July 2021 - which expired on 31 March last and was extended until 30 April next year - combining the needs of a different way of working with those of a concrete reconciliation of life and work time.
  • The new agreement version pays special attention to inclusiveness, remodeling smart working for caregivers, and the right of disconnection.

Costa Rica: a decision on platform workers’ relationship

mai, 2023
  • On 13 April 2023, the Labour Court of San José stated that an employment relationship existed between Uber and a driver who provided his services for Uber from February 2017 to December 2022.
  • Uber has to pay the driver the corresponding sums for vacations, Christmas bonuses, and social security during employment.
  • The judge rejected the driver's claim on the right to overtime compensation, as Uber did not impose the hours, which were decided by the driver.

USA: OSHA Launches Nationwide Program Focusing on Workplace Falls

mai, 2023
  • On 1 May 2023, the U.S. Department of Labour announced that its Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) launched a new National Emphasis Program (NEP) to reduce or eliminate injuries and fatalities associated with falls while working at heights in all industries.
  • The NEP became effective immediately, and it applies to all industries.
  • It aims to achieve its goals through enforcement (including hazard-based inspection targeting and optional locally-generated programmed targeting in construction), outreach to employers, and compliance assistance.

Impact of climate change and climate policies on living conditions, working conditions, employment, and social dialogue: A conceptual framework (Eurofound research paper)

mai, 2023
  • On 12 April 2023, Eurofound published a new research paper on the impact of climate change and policies to manage the transition to a carbon-neutral economy on employment, working conditions, social dialogue, and living conditions.
  • It also identifies the opportunities and risks climate change policies bring to European labour markets.