Co-funded by the European Union

Mental health and wellbeing: a key issue for the private sector

  • The pandemic has exacerbated the need to consider mental health as a key workplace issue.
  • What are the implications of mental health risks on employers?

During the month for mental health awareness, many authors wrote about the importance of including mental health in the risk assessment of human resources management departments.

In an article written for the International Organisation of Employers, Wolf Kirsten, Co-Director - Global Centre for Healthy Workplaces and Founder - International Health Consulting, said: “addressing mental health issues and wellbeing in the workplace is a shared responsibility between employer and employee. [...] The advent of telemedicine and teletherapy has opened the door widely and significantly increased access. A whole range of options exist: virtual sessions with licensed therapists, chat therapy, video chats with specialists, interactive coaching, peer support groups, self-help sites, game apps, etc”.

He continues, “The impact of the psychosocial working environment on employee health has been widely researched. Psychosocial risk assessment, which is supportive of innovative work organisation and creative job design can be a powerful tool and can assist employees with managing their mental health and pursuit of healthy lifestyles.

[...] What does this mean for employers and employees moving forward? It means that assessing employee needs and psychosocial risks and addressing them efficiently can benefit everyone involved, especially if employees are involved in the development of the strategy and programme design along the way”.

In another piece written by Patricio V. Marquez and Toluwalola Kasali on the consequences of Covid-19 on mental health, the authors outline the importance of mental health to “build back better” and draft development agendas. They provide data demonstrating how difficult it has been for individuals to get access to counsel and support during Covid-19 and advice to

integrate mental health into wellness programs in the workplace, since it “can mobilize private companies to invest in health promotion activities such as cognitive-behavioral therapies to reduce stress. These programs generate significant benefits for workers, their families, and employers, improving productivity and competitiveness, and tackling the stigma surrounding mental disorders”.