Co-funded by the European Union
Search results 41 - 50 of 747

Artificial Intelligence Act approved

As we previously reported, the AI Act adopts a risk-based approach to regulation, aiming to balance promoting innovation and…

USA: Stop WOKE law enforcement blocked

What does the "Stop WOKE" Act entail? As we previously reported here, the "Stop WOKE" Act prohibits mandatory workplace training that…

Singapore: Decision on post-employment restraints

The case concerns Lim, a former senior employee of Shopee, who joined ByteDance, a direct competitor, after leaving Shopee. Shopee…

Africa: White paper on Artificial Intelligence in migrant population

The white paper emphasises AI's unique benefits in accurately identifying and recognising the diverse skills of migrant workers. This…

European Union: Council confirms agreement on platform workers

After long and troubled negotiations, which we have recounted step by step in our previous editions, an agreement on the proposed…

ILO: Meeting of Experts on Wage Policies concluded

The agreement reflects the ongoing effort to advance social justice and economic development globally, recognising the integral role of…

Italy: The Data Protection Authority provides important guidance on the retention of company e-mail data

Email metadata are essential information such as the date, time, sender, recipient, subject, and size of the email messages. For…

UK: comparison between GPT-4 and Human Respondents for Occupational Evaluation (an ILO paper)

The report emphasises the role of AI in shaping occupational evaluations and perceptions within the labour market. It raises important…

Spain: First Social Dialogue roundtable to address equality and discrimination against LGTBI in the workplace

The law mandates the adoption of planned measures and resources from March this year, including protocols to prevent and address…

Chile: The Labour Directorate establishes the meaning and scope of Law No. 21.645 on the protection of maternity, paternity and family life

Law N°21.645 aims to facilitate a balance between work and personal life for employees caring for children under 14 or individuals with…

Search results 41 - 50 of 747