Co-funded by the European Union
Search results 561 - 570 of 747

Italy: a regional government introduces measures to support jobseekers

Since October 2018, the government of the Italian Region Veneto, in collaboration with Veneto Lavoro (the public entity in charge with…

Dutch Courts ruled on the classification of platform workers and government advisory group view

Over the past two years, Dutch Courts settled the cases filed by the trade unions FNV and CNV on the employment status of workers of…

UK Supreme Court judgment on Uber platform drivers as “workers” and its meaning

In the United Kingdom, there are three categories of workers: employees, self-employed and workers. Section 230(3) of the Employment…

Australian new Bill introduces a definition of casual worker

In our July Newsletter we referred to the process of updating Australian industrial relations and labour law on certain aspects, with the…

Japan, new law to deal with harassment and abuse of power at work

As of 1st June 2020, new rules against sexual harassment and harassment related to pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare leave entered into…

Philippines: legislative changes on Covid-19-related sick leave, social security contributions and unemployment insurance

Three bills are worth of note: With Bill “Paid Pandemic Leave”, N. 7909, employees with confirmed, probable or suspected case of…

Russia adopts a new legislation on remote work

With Federal Law No. 407-FZ, “On Amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulating remote work and temporary transfer of…

Belgian social partners sign an interprofessional collective agreement on telework

Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, almost all governments of the world adopted an obligation or recommendation to telework,…

Norwegian and Vietnamese employers join forces to promote social dialogue and labour law reforms

The changes in law and in practice in the Vietnamese industrial relations system, for which we will have a dedicated article in April’s…

Industrial Relations and Labour Law | March 2021

Human mobility, remote work, harassment in the workplace, the COVID vaccines and Uber platform “workers” are some of the cross-cutting…

Search results 561 - 570 of 747