Co-funded by the European Union
Search results 301 - 310 of 747

OECD Employment Outlook 2022

    The OECD report shows that economic activity has recovered faster than expected from the pandemic. However, the labour…

Puerto Rico: Amendments to the Labour Transformation and Flexibility Act

The main changes are a liberal interpretation of employment agreements in favour of employees, expanding meal and rest period…

EU Social partners signed a joint statement on green and digital transition of the EU Textiles Ecosystem

  The joint statement follows the European Commission’s EU strategy for sustainable and circular textiles, which aims to ensure…

European Parliament: New resolution on mental health in the digital world of work

The resolution recognises the benefits of working from home in terms of flexibility and autonomy but also underlines health risks…

Latest WEC report assesses strategies to reduce labour and skills shortages in Europe

What are the main outcomes of the Strategic Issue Paper? An analysis of data from international and European institutions and those…

Industrial Relations and Labour Law | July 2022

Global issues such as climate change, employment and a just transition to a sustainable and inclusive future are some of the topics…

Workplace absenteeism: a rapidly growing phenomenon

The workforce and talent landscapes of 2022 has radically changed compared to the pre- pandemic era. In 2018 employers in the US had an…

“Diversity and inclusion in organisations: the skills-related challenges of a cultural transformation” (a Cegos International survey)

The international survey, conducted between 420 human resources professionals and 4,007 employees working in private- and public-sector…

South Korea proposes a flexible hours system

South Korea already has one of the longest working hours among member states of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and…

Spain publishes guidance on the use of algorithms in the workplace

In recent years, algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) systems have been largely used to handle a large volume of data and…

Search results 301 - 310 of 747