Co-funded by the European Union
Search results 141 - 150 of 747

OECD Employment Outlook 2023: Artificial Intelligence and the Labour Market

According to the report, despite the recovery in nominal wage growth, real wages are falling in almost all OECD countries, and due to…

Eramet creates a "Global Forum" with trade union organisations

On 23 May 2023, the Company signed an agreement with the trade unions of the group’s main operation countries to create the Global…

Singapore: the government agreed to open social dialogue towards a new legislative framework for platform workers.

Following the recommendation of the Advisory Committee on Platform Workers to give platform workers the right to seek formal…

Germany: Whistleblower Protection Act enters into force

The German Whistleblower Protection Act’s scope of application is broader than that set out in the EU Directive since it includes…

UK: is unlawful to cover strikes with agency workers

The government introduced a regulation to allow temporary workers fill in the worker’s duties while the latter was on strike, to…

HanmiGlobal announced a new welfare policy

The company will offer a promotion to employees expecting a third child, regardless of their performance or length of service. It will…

California: High Court will decide if proposition 22 classifying on the independent nature of drivers is constitutional.

As we previously reported, in November 2020, California approved Proposition 22, a measure that exempted gig workers from state…

Minimum wages in 2023: Annual review (an Eurofound research report)

As previously reported, EU ministers approved the directive on adequate minimum wages in the European Union on 4 October 2022, to…

International Labour Conference (ILC) 2023

The new Director-General Houngbo, in his report on his first International Labour Conference, explains “his vision for advancing social…

Industrial Relations and Labour Law | July 2023

This edition opens with an overview of the 111th International Labour Organisation conference in Geneva last June. After extensive…

Search results 141 - 150 of 747