Co-funded by the European Union
Search results 651 - 660 of 747

IOE Centenary Summit: “Achieving a multilateralism reset: Business contribution”

IOE celebrated its Centenary of business action "Achieving a multilateralism reset: Business contribution".  IOE President, Erol…

Finland: results of the minimum basic income experiment and employers’ views

In 2017, the Finnish Government started a two-year basic income experiment to understand the following: “Could basic income increase…

Mexico: the Business Coordination Council introduces tools to prevent labour disputes

The new trade agreement between Mexico, United States and Canada (USMCA) was signed on 30 November 2018 and entered into force on 1 July…

Senegal: Senegal: Employers participate in the country's economic reconstruction

In view of the social, health, financial and economic impacts of Covid-19 pandemic on the Senegalese economy, the Government of Senegal…

India: Supreme Court decision on the payment of wage during the lockdown

On 29 March 2020, the Indian Ministry of Home Affairs issued an Order under Disaster Management Act 2005, obliging employers to pay full…

Cross-border employees: the exception to the European regulation is extended

Covid-19 pandemic obliged non-essential services companies to quickly adapt to a telework policy for all employees.   This posed…

Italy: novelties in the extension of fixed-term contracts

As already described in the June issue of the IOE-WEC Newsletter here, the Relaunch Decree (Decree Law N. 34 adopted on 19 May…

Italy and Spain: Unemployment benefits may coexist with a fixed-term job in agriculture

OECD Employment Outlook 2020 on workers’ security and Covid-19 crisis contained multiple examples of the economic and labour measures…

Germany legislation on funds for training during the short-time work scheme duration

Germany reinforced its legislation to support investments in training during the operation of the short time work…

A Swiss referendum introduced paternity leave

This will be implemented through a change in the social security system by means of the “loss of earning allowances” system.…

Search results 651 - 660 of 747