Co-funded by the European Union
Search results 591 - 600 of 747

German Federal Labour Court decision on the case of a crowdworker and relative salary

In this case, the micro task performed by the crowdworker consisted in taking pictures of goods for presenting in retail outlets and…

New Zealand Employment Court’s decision on the case of a self-employed for a platform company

In the case of Arachchige v Rasier New Zealand Ltd & Uber BV (NZEmpC 230, 17 December 2020), the Employment Court examined the…

Apple adjusts its executives’ bonuses to social, environmental, governance performance

In its “Notice of 2021 Annual Meeting of Shareholders and Proxy Statement”, Apple Inc. referred to its future policy for compensation of…

Austria reform on employment law

According to the new collective agreement, each individual employee must be assigned to a new employment group and reclassified in line…

Mexico regulates telework

The reform of Article 311 and the addition of chapter XII Bis was the result of a speedy process that did not take into account the views…

Peruvian new agrarian law is adopted in the midst of social partners' objections

At the end of December 2020, the Peruvian Congress approved Law 31087, which repealed the “Law of Agrarian Promotion” No. 27360. After…

Danish Competition and Consumer Authority pronounces on the establishment of fees by collective agreement in a platform company

In 2018, the Danish online platform for cleaning services in private homes, HILFR, signed a collective agreement with the trade union for…

Panama: outcomes of the tripartite Dialogue for Labour Economy and Development, including the regulation on telework

At the peak of the first wave of Covid-19, the Government of Panama established an ad-hoc Tripartite Dialogue Table for Labour Economy and…

Business and labour organisations’ call to G20 governments

As repeatedly expressed by the International Organisation of Employers (IOE) in different forums, renewed and stronger multilateralism…

The best and worst of Covid-19 responses, Adecco analysis of 20 countries

In its fourth version of the paper “Comparing the outcome of Governments’ response to Covid-19 (Analysis of October 2020)”, Adecco…

Search results 591 - 600 of 747