Co-funded by the European Union
Search results 281 - 290 of 747

Mental Health at work: Policy brief

The policy brief provides actions for governments, employers, employers’ and workers’ organisations, civil society, and health service…

Diverse form of work in the platform economy (an IOE-WEC report)

The report places the policy debate on platform work within the context of economic and social trends relating to flexibility and…

Sweden: new labour reforms entered into force

As we reported here, a year ago, the Swedish Minister of Labour presented to the Parliament/Government a proposal to reform…

Gender equality in the workplace (a Randstad report 2022)

The report shows that there has been notable progress – particularly in the construction and technology sectors -but there is still…

European Court of Justice (ECJ): The right to leave is not time-barred if the employee has not been put in a position to take it

The case concerned a German worker who, following the termination of the employment relationship, requested the payment of an allowance…

New Zealand: Employment Relations (Restraint of Trade) Amendment Bill

The Bill proposes that: - restraints of trade have no effect wherever an employee earns less than three times the minimum wage; - the…

Collective bargaining in France in 2021 (report published by the Ministère du Travail)

The report highlights that, after the decline in the number of agreements in 2020 due to the health crisis, 2021 saw this number rise…

European Parliament approved the Directive on the minimum wage

The minimum wage differs significantly from country to country within the European Union. In July 2022, the minimum wage was just €363…

A new ILO paper on the importance of pay transparency legislation

According to the paper, reducing the gender pay gap is a major challenge, especially in the post-pandemic context, which has further…

France: La Poste group launches its Data and AI School

Digital transformation, the development of digital trust services and digital inclusion are strategic priorities for the La Poste Group.…

Search results 281 - 290 of 747