Co-funded by the European Union

Outcomes from G20 Labour and Employment Ministers’ Meeting

  • The recent G20 Labour and Employment Ministers' meeting in Fortaleza on 25-26 July 2024 highlighted several critical themes relevant to businesses and employer organizations worldwide.
  • Key Takeaways are:

- creation and transition to formal jobs and the promotion of decent work; 

- Policies to provide access to adequate -improven and strengthened- social protection systems, which are the foundation of a more inclusive, stable, fair and equal society;

- addressing gender-based disparities and the need for comprehensive policies to dismantle discriminatory norms and barriers, tackle pay gaps, and ensure women's equal economic participation.

The G20 Labour and Employment Ministers' meeting highlighted the multifaceted nature of employment and social challenges and the necessity for comprehensive solutions given the recent global labour market trends, driven by the technological changes and a commitment to advance just transition. Key points discussed included the need of measures to promote formal job opportunities; strategies to create and promote decent work; effective policies to promote skills development, such as access to training and lifelong learning and job matching, aligned with the skills needs and demands of the economy and in consultation with social partners. 

Artificial intelligence (AI) emerged as a central theme, recognised for its transformative potential in enhancing productivity and innovation. However, the ministers also noted the challenges AI poses, including the need for human oversight and ethical considerations to mitigate risks. As such, countries are adopting specific guidelines to regulate AI's use in the workplace, ensuring its integration benefits employers and employees while safeguarding workers' rights and privacy.

Social protection was another area of focus. The ministers underscored that social protection systems are the foundation of a more inclusive, stable, fair and equal society. Improving or strengthening their social protection systems providing social security mechanisms, in light of the ongoing transformations in the world of work, making them accessible, as well as effective and sustainable, fostering social and economic inclusion and development. Social dialogue was highlighted as crucial in promoting the Decent Work Agenda and ensuring fair labour practices.

The G20 ministers reaffirmed their commitment to reducing the gender gap in labour market participation and promoting policies that support equal pay for equal work. Initiatives like the Equal Pay International Coalition (EPIC) were emphasized as vital in driving progress toward gender equality and fostering inclusive economic growth.

The discussions also addressed the impacts of climate change and the need for a just transition to sustainable practices. The ministers recognised that climate strategies must be balanced to avoid unintended socio-economic disruptions and emphasised the importance of engaging all stakeholders in shaping these transitions.

The International Organisation of Employers (IOE) strongly supports the G20 Labour and Employment Ministers' meeting outcomes. IOE Secretary-General Roberto Suárez Santos emphasized the necessity of involving social partners in policy discussions to ensure balanced and effective solutions. The IOE advocates for policies that drive economic growth and enhance social justice and sustainability, stressing the importance of public-private partnerships, continuous professional development, and ethical AI integration to build a resilient and inclusive future for the global workforce.

Here, you can find a detailed report on Key Highlights from IOE's Engagement at G20 Brazil.