Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter mars, 2024

Sanofi announced a global programme for employees affected by cancer or a serious illness

mars, 2024
  • On 5 February 2024, Sanofi unveiled "Cancer and Work: Acting Together," a comprehensive global programme to support employees diagnosed with cancer or other serious illnesses. 
  • This initiative ensures job security, salary continuation, and social benefits for at least twelve months, regardless of the employee's role or location, marking a significant step forward in corporate responsibility and employee welfare.

ILO: New report on decent work in platform economy

mars, 2024
  • The International Labour Organization (ILO) recently released, on January 2024, the Law and Practise report in  the emerging field of digital labour platforms and their impact in the World of Work.
  • The Law and Practise report (known as White Report), is intended to inform the discussions at the 2025-2026 Standard Setting on Platform Economy and to help Member States in responding to the appended questionnaire.
  • The inputs and responses provided by the Member States will set the base for the Yellow Report, which will be the draft report discussed in the first sitting of the Platform Economy Standard Setting in 2025.

Randstad Workmonitor 2024: The voice of talent in 2024

mars, 2024
  • Randstad recently published the Workmonitor 2024 report, which provides an in-depth analysis of emerging labour market trends, worker attitudes, and the future of employment based on a comprehensive global survey.
  • The report highlights key issues such as the impact of technology on jobs, the rise of remote work, and the evolving expectations of employees towards work-life balance and job security.

Spain: First Social Dialogue roundtable to address equality and discrimination against LGTBI in the workplace

mars, 2024
  • Spain's Ministry of Labour and Social Economy has initiated tripartite negotiations involving government, labour unions and employer organizations to implement measures for real and effective LGBTI equality in the workplace.
  • The negotiations aim to give effectiveness to Law 4/2023, which mandates companies with over 50 employees to adopt specific measures and resources for LGBTI equality, including protocols for addressing harassment or violence.

Italy: The Data Protection Authority provides important guidance on the retention of company e-mail data

mars, 2024
  • Data Protection Authority's (DPA) Guidance Document no. 642, published on 21 December 2023 and highlighted in their 6 February 2024 newsletter, introduced new guidelines on workplace email management. 
  • Employers in the public and private sectors who leverage computer programmes and cloud-based services to manage employee emails are now restricted to retaining the metadata of these emails for a maximum of seven days. An extension of up to 48 hours may be granted in cases of proven necessity. 
  • It poses potential challenges for companies in terms of compliance and operational flexibility.