Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter mars, 2024

UK: comparison between GPT-4 and Human Respondents for Occupational Evaluation (an ILO paper)

mars, 2024
  • ILO recently published a new report that offers valuable insights into how advanced artificial intelligence (AI), exemplified by GPT-4, compares with human judgment in evaluating occupational roles within the UK labour market.
  • It explores the perceptions and attitudes of workers towards integrating AI technologies like GPT-4 into their professional environments and forecasts potential shifts in the labour market influenced by the adoption of AI technologies.

Argentina: new president issues emergency decree on labour issues

mars, 2024
  • On 20 December 2023, the Argentine government introduced Decree 70/2023, aimed, among others, at reshaping the employment landscape. 
  • This reform was, however,halted. Trade unions obtained injunctions against the enforcement of the labour chapter and a partial ruling by a labour court has suspended the effects of the new law. 
  • The decision now lies with the national Supreme Court of Justice.

Canada: decision on poof of evidence in case of dismissal

mars, 2024
  • On 23 January 2024, the Court of King's Bench of Manitoba decided on a wrongful dismissal case.
  • The decision is based on the employer's need for more rigorous proof of the facts underlying the dismissal. 

Minimum wages in 2024: Eurofound analysis

mars, 2024

Netherlands: House of Representatives has started debating the Bill on the Admission of Workers on Posting (Wtta)

mars, 2024

Chile: The Labour Directorate establishes the meaning and scope of Law No. 21.645 on the protection of maternity, paternity and family life

mars, 2024
  • Law N°21.645, published on 29 December 2023, amended the Labour Code to strengthen maternity, paternity, and family life protections. It introduces a new regime for remote work and telecommuting under specific conditions.
  • On 26 January 2024, the National Director of Labour issued Dictamen N°67/1, providing legal interpretation and guidance on the law. 

USA: Whistleblower Retaliation

mars, 2024
  • On 8 February 2024, the U.S. Supreme Court decided on whistleblower protections under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. 
  • The case clarifies the standards for proving retaliation against whistleblowers in publicly traded companies.
  • The Supreme Court clarified that whistleblowers are required to show that their protected activity contributed to the adverse employment action without the need to demonstrate retaliatory intent on the employer's part. 

European Commission proposes changes to EWC Directive strengthening transnational social dialogue

mars, 2024
  • On 24 January 2024, the European Commission presented its proposal to amend the directive on European Works Councils (EWCs).
  • It aims to ensure more effective communication channels between employers and employee representatives, highlighting the importance of early and meaningful consultations and clarifying the operational framework of EWCs, potentially leading to more structured and efficient consultation processes.