Co-funded by the European Union

Yirgalem Addis Textile Factory PLC and Ethio-Impact Manufacturing PLC created daycare centres for children

  • On 7 April 2024, a significant advancement for working mothers in Ethiopia was celebrated with the inauguration of new daycare facilities at Yirgalem Addis Textile Factory PLC and Ethio-Impact Manufacturing PLC.
  • These centres are designed to offer safe, stimulating, and child-friendly environments, crucially supporting the needs of mothers employed in the demanding textile and garment industry sectors.

The initiative aims to provide a supportive environment for working mothers, addressing childcare needs to allow them to continue their professional work, with financial support from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the partnership between the International Labour Organization, the Ethiopian Ministry of Industry, and Partnership for Change.

Establishing daycare centres addresses a critical barrier female workers face: balancing professional responsibilities with maternal duties.

Before this initiative, many skilled female employees were forced to exit the workforce due to the lack of proper childcare solutions, as highlighted by Ms. Yirgalem Assefa, owner of Yirgalem Addis Textile. Introducing these daycare facilities not only helps retain valuable female talent but also enhances their productivity and job satisfaction.

Hon. Mrs. Alemitu Umod, State Minister of Federal Minister Women and Social Affairs, advocated expanding such initiatives to foster equitable work environments across various sectors.

The establishment of these daycare centres is part of a broader effort under the ILO's "Promoting Workers' Rights and Gender Equality at Work in Africa" project which aims not just to provide immediate support to working mothers but also to pilot sustainable models that can be replicated across the continent.

The project also included comprehensive training for over 300 employees and managers on Maternity Protection Rights and Sexual Reproductive Health Rights, further emphasising the holistic approach taken to address the needs of female workers.