Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter juin, 2022

Ireland: gender pay gap reporting regulations published

juin, 2022

Uganda: do employers need a reason to terminate an employee?

juin, 2022
  • In the recent case of Bank of Uganda v Joseph Kibuuka, the Ugandan Court of Appeal has re-affirmed employers’ right to terminate an employee without reason by either giving notice or payment in lieu of notice.
  • Later, the Industrial Court, in the case of Asiimwe Apollo v Law Development Centre,stated that employers must give reasons before an employment contract is terminated.
  • The different treatment depends on the nature of the termination.  In a disciplinary dismissal a reason has to be given, while this is not necessary where the employer’s decision is related to a need for restructuring.

Singapore: a decision on duties and obligations during employment investigations

juin, 2022
  • In Dong Wei v Shell Trading (Pte) Ltd and anor [2022], the Appellate Division of the Singapore High Court (SGHC(A)) provided guidance on the scope of an employer’s obligations to an employee who was the subject of internal investigations for wrongdoing.
  • It states that an employer, although he does not find it meaningful or productive to disclose the outcome of an investigation to an employee, should consider to do it in the interest of the employee.

China: the termination for Employee’s not reporting cross-provincial trip is legitimate

juin, 2022
  • Shanghai Yangpu District People’s Court stated that the dismissal of an employee who omitted to report a cross provincial trip against company’s health policy was lawful.

Enhancing social dialogue towards a culture of safety and health (an ILO report)

juin, 2022
  • On 28 April 2022, ILO published a new report on the importance of an effective collaboration between social partners in preventing occupational accidents and diseases.
  • Starting with the lesson learnt from the pandemic, it calls for the promotion of a preventative culture on Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) based on participation and social dialogue.

UK: GMB Union and Deliveroo signed a Voluntary Partnership Agreement

juin, 2022
  • Last May, GMB Union (General, Municipal, Boilermakers' and Allied Trade Union (GMBATU, than shortened to GMB), and Deliveroo have signed an historic union recognition deal covering the company's more than 90,000 self-employed riders.

World Employment Conference 2022

juin, 2022
  • The World Employment Conference 2022 took place on 31st May in Brussels.
  • Participants got the opportunity to exchange opinion about the gap between workers' and employers' expectations, which was the announced main theme of the conference.

European Union: agreement reached on the Minimum Wage Directive

juin, 2022
  • On 7 June 2022, the European Parliament announced a new agreement for adequate minimum wages in the European Union (EU).
  • The agreement provides that:

           - minimum wage should be adequate to ensure a decent standard of living;

           - workers, their representatives and trade union members can seek redress if rules are violated;

           - collective bargaining needs to be strengthened in countries where it covers fewer than 80% of workers;

           - EU rules have to respect the powers of national authorities and social partners to determine wages.