Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter juillet, 2020

Austria: Social Partners Agree on the “Corona Short-Time Working Scheme”

juillet, 2020
  • Well-developed social dialogue and partnership in Austria achieved significant outcomes during the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Starting in March 2020, the existing short-time working scheme has been adapted and extended to the needs of employers and workers in the Covid-19 crisis.

IOE Expanded its Collaboration with WHO on the Covid-19 Response

juillet, 2020
  • Private sector played a key role during the Covid-19 crisis: WHO published further proposals of action.
  • IOE became part of the WHO’s “Private Sector Outreach Coordination Group for the Covid-19 pandemic response”.

Employers’ Organisations Have Access to a New Training Platform on OSH

juillet, 2020
  • The interactive platform allows Employers’ Organisation to acquire parts or all of the training modules to offer as a new service to their members.
  • Social dialogue is a key component of the training.

International Organisations Published Trackers on Economic and Social Measures and Social Partners’ Participation in Times of Covid-19

juillet, 2020
  • Detailed information is available online on economic sustainability and income support measures.