Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter juillet, 2020

European Court of Justice Order on the application of the Working Time Directive to self-employed workers

juillet, 2020
  • The European Court of Justice issued an Order confirming its jurisprudence on the exclusion of genuine self-employed from the application of certain European regulations

Swiss Federal Tribunal ruled on the contribution of the employer in case of telework: details on the Swiss regulation

juillet, 2020
  • The Court determined that the employer must bear some costs linked to telework for employees working from home upon request of their employer
  • The employers obligations in case of telework depend on the context

Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI)’s successful role during the crisis

juillet, 2020
  • ACCI actions on employment and businesses recovery;
  • Certain challenges with regards to productivity and collective agreements remain.
  • ACCI changes at the organisational level

Nigerian Social Partners contributes towards the growth of the economy and the Nation

juillet, 2020
  • Promote enterprise sustainability and competitiveness are key as well as decent job creation and protection and economic recovery

France: upskilling of agency workers agreed by the sectoral social partners

juillet, 2020
  • Social partners put in place a system supporting  the employability of agency workers

International social dialogue in action: “ILO Global Summit on COVID-19 and the World of Work - Building a better future of work”

juillet, 2020
  • ILO Constituents will virtually meet to discuss the challenges and responses of countries still in the midst of the pandemic, as well as those that have started the recovery phase.

Developments on the Call to Action in the garment sector

juillet, 2020
  • An International Working Group met regularly to implement the Call
  • 8 Priority countries were identified
  • A first contact was taken with financial Institutions and donors

India: measures to improve the situation of temporary workers

juillet, 2020
  • Indian Staffing Federation (ISF) presented proposals to improve the situation of Indian agency workers.